21 : 30

Status : Past

Duration: 32:01

Roshan: 03:21

Spectators: 21

Match log


Dire Win

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Shiva's Guard

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

Arcanys.friedbutterflys killed a hero

B-GOD purchased Manta Style

B-GOD purchased Town Portal Scroll

B-GOD killed heroes 3

bb purchased Gem of True Sight

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.oneshittwoshit died 2 times

CnS..... purchased Point Booster

CnS..... died

CnS..... killed a hero

CnS.♥ died

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Ogre Axe

CnS.poloismyname purchased Ghost Scepter

CnS.poloismyname died

Bottom ranged barrack has fallen

Bottom melee barrack has fallen

Top ancient tower has fallen

Bottom ancient tower has fallen

T3 bottom tower has fallen


Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Observer Ward

B-GOD used Morph

T2 bottom tower has fallen


CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Bottle

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Gem of True Sight

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Town Portal Scroll


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Mystic Staff

Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

bb purchased Town Portal Scroll

bb died

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere

CnS.poloismyname killed heroes 2


Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

B-GOD used Morph

Arcanys.Bok purchased Platemail

Arcanys.Bok died

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Smoke of Deceit

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare


Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

B-GOD killed heroes 2

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Black King Bar

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.♥ purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.♥ died

CnS.poloismyname bought back into the game

CnS.poloismyname died

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre

Middle ranged barrack has fallen


B-GOD used Morph

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

Middle melee barrack has fallen

T3 middle tower has fallen

T2 middle tower has fallen


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ used Reaper's Scythe

Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

Arcanys.Bok killed a hero

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

bb purchased Drum of Endurance

CnS.♥ purchased Arcane Boots

CnS.♥ purchased Force Staff

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ died

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere

CnS.poloismyname died

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre


Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Smoke of Deceit

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Sentry Ward

Arcanys.Bok purchased Vladmir's Offering

bb purchased Bottle

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare


B-GOD purchased Aegis of the Immortal

B-GOD purchased Linken's Sphere

bb purchased Bracer

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Ogre Axe

Roshan was killed


CnS.poloismyname purchased Ogre Axe


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ used Reaper's Scythe

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Sentry Ward

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Observer Ward

Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

B-GOD used Morph

bb died

bb killed a hero

bb used Supernova

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS..... died

CnS.♥ purchased Force Staff

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Mask of Madness

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ died

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Scythe of Vyse

Arcanys.friedbutterflys bought back into the game

Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

B-GOD purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere

T1 middle tower has fallen


bb died

CnS..... purchased Observer Ward

CnS..... purchased Bracer

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.poloismyname killed a hero


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ died

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

CnS..... died


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ used Reaper's Scythe

B-GOD died

Arcanys.Bok purchased Black King Bar

Arcanys.Bok killed a hero

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.♥ died

CnS.♥ killed a hero

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.poloismyname purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.poloismyname purchased Blink Dagger


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.Bok purchased Ogre Axe

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Force Staff

CnS..... purchased Town Portal Scroll


B-GOD purchased Ultimate Orb

B-GOD killed a hero

B-GOD used Morph

CnS..... died

CnS.♥ purchased Ring of Regen

CnS.♥ purchased Magic Wand


Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

B-GOD killed a hero

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

CnS.oneshittwoshit died

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS..... purchased Arcane Boots

CnS.♥ purchased Staff of Wizardry

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Hand of Midas

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre

T1 bottom tower has fallen

T1 top tower has fallen


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ died

B-GOD purchased Town Portal Scroll

B-GOD died

bb purchased Town Portal Scroll

bb purchased Platemail

CnS.♥ killed a hero

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere


Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

B-GOD used Morph

bb died

bb used Supernova

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre


Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS..... purchased Sentry Ward


CnS.♥ purchased Smoke of Deceit

CnS.♥ purchased Town Portal Scroll


Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Observer Ward

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Magic Wand

Arcanys.friedbutterflys bought back into the game

Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

B-GOD purchased Perseverance

Arcanys.Bok died

CnS..... purchased Observer Ward

CnS..... purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS..... killed a hero

CnS.♥ purchased Arcane Boots

CnS.♥ killed a hero

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Gloves of Haste

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Magic Wand

CnS.poloismyname purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Tranquil Boots

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Smoke of Deceit

Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

B-GOD killed a hero

Arcanys.Bok purchased Town Portal Scroll

bb purchased Town Portal Scroll

bb killed a hero

bb used Supernova

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.oneshittwoshit died

CnS.poloismyname bought back into the game

CnS.poloismyname died


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Ultimate Orb

B-GOD purchased Aegis of the Immortal

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere

Roshan was killed


Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Bottle

Arcanys.Bok purchased Ogre Axe

CnS.poloismyname purchased Eul's Scepter Recipe

T1 middle tower has fallen


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.friedbutterflys used Nether Swap

Arcanys.Bok killed a hero

bb purchased Magic Wand

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Staff of Wizardry

CnS..... purchased Smoke of Deceit

CnS..... died

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Power Treads

CnS.poloismyname died

CnS.poloismyname used Macropyre


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Magic Wand

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ used Reaper's Scythe

B-GOD purchased Town Portal Scroll

B-GOD purchased Magic Wand

B-GOD purchased Bottle

Arcanys.Bok purchased Town Portal Scroll

bb purchased Town Portal Scroll

bb died

bb killed a hero

bb used Supernova

CnS.oneshittwoshit died

CnS.♥ died

CnS.poloismyname killed a hero


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Mekansm

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Bottle

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Sentry Ward

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Observer Ward

Arcanys.friedbutterflys bought back into the game

Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

B-GOD purchased Power Treads

B-GOD died

Arcanys.Bok purchased Power Treads

Arcanys.Bok killed a hero

bb killed heroes 2

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso

CnS..... purchased Magic Wand

CnS..... bought back into the game

CnS..... died

CnS.♥ bought back into the game

CnS.♥ died

CnS.♥ used Mystic Flare

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ died

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere

CnS.poloismyname bought back into the game

CnS.poloismyname died

CnS.poloismyname killed a hero

T1 bottom tower has fallen


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ used Reaper's Scythe

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.Bok purchased Blink Dagger

Arcanys.Bok killed heroes 2

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

bb used Supernova

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Blink Dagger

CnS.♥ died

CnS.poloismyname purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.poloismyname purchased Staff of Wizardry

CnS.poloismyname bought back into the game

CnS.poloismyname died


bb purchased Urn of Shadows

bb bought back into the game

bb died

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS.oneshittwoshit used Flaming Lasso


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Magic Stick

B-GOD purchased Belt of Strength

Arcanys.Bok purchased Bottle

bb purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS..... purchased Iron Branch

CnS..... purchased Magic Stick

CnS..... purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS..... bought back into the game

CnS..... died


bb killed a hero

bb used Supernova

CnS..... purchased Observer Ward

CnS.♥ purchased Magic Stick

CnS.♥ bought back into the game

CnS.♥ died

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Ring of Aquila

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ used Chronosphere

T1 top tower has fallen


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Buckler

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Boots of Speed

bb purchased Bottle

CnS..... purchased Urn of Shadows


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed heroes 2

B-GOD purchased Ring of Aquila

B-GOD purchased Tango

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Magic Wand

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.oneshittwoshit died

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.poloismyname died


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ used Reaper's Scythe

Arcanys.Bok killed a hero

Arcanys.Bok used Primal Split

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Bottle

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Magic Stick

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Wraith Band

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ died

CnS.poloismyname purchased Town Portal Scroll

CnS.poloismyname purchased Sage's Mask


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Power Treads


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ killed a hero

Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Observer Ward

CnS.♥ purchased Boots of Speed

CnS.♥ bought back into the game

CnS.♥ died


Arcanys.friedbutterflys purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.friedbutterflys died

bb purchased Tranquil Boots

CnS.poloismyname purchased Arcane Boots

CnS.poloismyname killed a hero


Arcanys.Bok purchased Town Portal Scroll

Arcanys.Bok died

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Tranquil Boots

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Tango (Shared)

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ killed a hero


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Boots of Speed

CnS.Yamaguchi♥ purchased Boots of Speed


B-GOD purchased Magic Stick

B-GOD purchased Boots of Speed

Arcanys.Bok bought back into the game

Arcanys.Bok died

bb purchased Ring of Regen

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Ring of Regen

CnS.oneshittwoshit purchased Bottle

CnS.oneshittwoshit killed a hero

CnS..... purchased Sage's Mask


Arcanys.─H E I N R I C H ─ purchased Bottle

Arcanys.Bok purchased Magic Wand

bb purchased Boots of Speed


CnS.poloismyname purchased Magic Stick


bb killed a hero

CnS.♥ bought back into the game

CnS.♥ died

Player statistics

Player lvl Net K D A GPM XPM LH DN
 OHHH 10 18 14267 12 1 20 546 553 139 21
...... 17 13502 8 3 4 594 529 178 26
Kazuya.LFT 19 12868 7 4 17 497 597 135 14
Dont mind dont mind -/\- 16 11600 9 6 6 386 426 115 7
Yamaguchi 16 9453 1 5 5 368 446 134 14
Polo 15 9065 6 8 9 374 376 99 3
Wolf 14 6862 7 6 22 334 365 38 4
4 12 4975 2 7 9 203 269 17 9
qweasdzxc 12 4729 3 9 10 203 264 11 1
暖点 11 2751 1 8 17 233 226 11 2

Click N Search


Faceless Void 16

Net worth:
Skywrath Mage 12

Net worth:
Ogre Magi 12

Net worth:
Jakiro 15

Net worth:
Dont mind dont mind -/\-
Batrider 16

Net worth:

Arcanys Gaming


Phoenix 14

Net worth:
Morphling 17

Net worth:
Vengeful Spirit 11

Net worth:
Brewmaster 19

Net worth:
 OHHH 10
Necrophos 18

Net worth: