28 : 24

Status : Past

Duration: 40:35

Roshan: 05:41

Spectators: 5

Match log


Dire Win

coL.MoonMeander purchased Gem of True Sight

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp killed a hero

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Monkey King Bar

^^DragonFist^^ killed heroes 4

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Crystalys

coL.swindlemelonzz died

Juicy J died

Tib died

Wilson Paprson died

k3k died

k3k killed heroes 2

ZMAJ died

T1 bottom tower has fallen

T3 top tower has fallen

T2 top tower has fallen


coL.Zfreek died

coL.Zfreek used Mystic Flare

Limmp killed a hero

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

Juicy J used Ravage

Wilson Paprson died

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k bought back into the game

k3k died

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ purchased Town Portal Scroll

ZMAJ killed a hero

ZMAJ used Chain Frost

Bottom ranged barrack has fallen

Bottom melee barrack has fallen


coL.MoonMeander purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.MoonMeander purchased Vladmir's Offering

coL.MoonMeander purchased Observer Ward

coL.Zfreek purchased Ghost Scepter

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Eye of Skadi

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll

Juicy J purchased Void Stone

Tib purchased Manta Style

Wilson Paprson purchased Sentry Ward

k3k purchased Town Portal Scroll

ZMAJ purchased Gem of True Sight

Middle ranged barrack has fallen


coL.MoonMeander died

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp purchased Black King Bar

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero

^^DragonFist^^ used Stone Gaze

coL.swindlemelonzz died

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero

Juicy J bought back into the game

Juicy J died

Juicy J killed a hero

Juicy J used Ravage

Tib purchased Ultimate Orb

Tib killed a hero

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll

Wilson Paprson bought back into the game

Wilson Paprson died

k3k purchased Gem of True Sight

k3k killed a hero

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ purchased Town Portal Scroll

ZMAJ used Chain Frost

T3 bottom tower has fallen


^^DragonFist^^ purchased Aegis of the Immortal

Wilson Paprson purchased Gem of True Sight

T2 top tower has fallen

T2 bottom tower has fallen

Roshan was killed


Limmp killed a hero

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Black King Bar

Tib purchased Yasha

Wilson Paprson purchased Force Staff

k3k died

ZMAJ bought back into the game

ZMAJ died

Middle melee barrack has fallen

T3 middle tower has fallen


coL.MoonMeander used Nether Swap

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

^^DragonFist^^ used Stone Gaze

Juicy J used Ravage

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ used Chain Frost


coL.MoonMeander purchased Smoke of Deceit

coL.MoonMeander purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek purchased Force Staff

coL.Zfreek purchased Observer Ward

Wilson Paprson purchased Staff of Wizardry


coL.MoonMeander died

coL.MoonMeander used Nether Swap

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

coL.Zfreek used Mystic Flare

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Butterfly

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

Juicy J died

Tib purchased Boots of Travel

k3k died

ZMAJ purchased Platemail

ZMAJ purchased Smoke of Deceit

T2 middle tower has fallen


coL.Zfreek killed a hero

^^DragonFist^^ used Stone Gaze

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k purchased Ogre Axe

ZMAJ bought back into the game

ZMAJ died


coL.Zfreek purchased Staff of Wizardry

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp died

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Eaglesong

coL.swindlemelonzz died

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero

Juicy J killed a hero

Juicy J used Ravage

Tib died

Wilson Paprson purchased Gem of True Sight

Wilson Paprson killed a hero

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k purchased Assault Cuirass

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ killed a hero

ZMAJ used Chain Frost

T1 middle tower has fallen


Limmp purchased Gem of True Sight

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Ogre Axe

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll


coL.MoonMeander purchased Observer Ward

coL.MoonMeander bought back into the game

coL.MoonMeander died

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Town Portal Scroll

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Manta Style

^^DragonFist^^ killed heroes 2

coL.swindlemelonzz died

Juicy J purchased Magic Wand

Juicy J bought back into the game

Juicy J died

Tib purchased Radiance

Tib killed a hero

Wilson Paprson purchased Aghanim's Scepter

Wilson Paprson bought back into the game

Wilson Paprson died

k3k killed heroes 2

ZMAJ purchased Town Portal Scroll

ZMAJ purchased Observer Ward

ZMAJ purchased Sentry Ward


coL.MoonMeander used Nether Swap

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp purchased Force Staff

^^DragonFist^^ used Stone Gaze

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.swindlemelonzz died

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

Juicy J used Ravage

Wilson Paprson killed a hero

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ killed a hero

ZMAJ used Chain Frost

T1 top tower has fallen


coL.MoonMeander purchased Bottle

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek purchased Urn of Shadows

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Aegis of the Immortal

Juicy J purchased Force Staff

Wilson Paprson purchased Staff of Wizardry

k3k purchased Hyperstone

ZMAJ purchased Force Staff

Roshan was killed


coL.MoonMeander purchased Magic Wand

coL.MoonMeander bought back into the game

coL.MoonMeander died

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

coL.Zfreek used Mystic Flare

Limmp purchased Staff of Wizardry

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

^^DragonFist^^ bought back into the game

^^DragonFist^^ died

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Armlet of Mordiggian

Juicy J killed a hero

Tib bought back into the game

Tib died

Wilson Paprson killed a hero

ZMAJ purchased Observer Ward

T1 middle tower has fallen


^^DragonFist^^ purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Blades of Attack

Juicy J used Ravage

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ used Chain Frost


coL.MoonMeander died

coL.MoonMeander used Nether Swap

Limmp purchased Boots of Travel

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Yasha

Tib killed a hero


coL.MoonMeander purchased Observer Ward

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Linken's Sphere

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

Juicy J purchased Town Portal Scroll

Juicy J died

Wilson Paprson purchased Ogre Axe

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll

ZMAJ purchased Smoke of Deceit

ZMAJ purchased Ring of Regen

ZMAJ purchased Staff of Wizardry


coL.MoonMeander died

coL.Zfreek died

coL.Zfreek used Mystic Flare

Limmp killed a hero

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

^^DragonFist^^ killed heroes 2

Tib died

Wilson Paprson killed heroes 2

Wilson Paprson used Static Storm

k3k died

ZMAJ died

ZMAJ used Chain Frost

T1 bottom tower has fallen


coL.MoonMeander purchased Power Treads

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp died

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Blink Dagger

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

Juicy J used Ravage

Tib died

Wilson Paprson purchased Point Booster

k3k used Primal Split

ZMAJ killed heroes 2


coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp killed heroes 2

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Ultimate Orb

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll

Juicy J purchased Ring of Regen

Tib bought back into the game

Tib died

Wilson Paprson bought back into the game

Wilson Paprson died

ZMAJ purchased Tranquil Boots

ZMAJ killed a hero

T1 top tower has fallen


coL.MoonMeander purchased Belt of Strength

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

coL.swindlemelonzz died

Juicy J purchased Town Portal Scroll

Juicy J purchased Blink Dagger

ZMAJ purchased Town Portal Scroll

ZMAJ purchased Urn of Shadows

ZMAJ killed a hero

ZMAJ used Chain Frost


coL.MoonMeander bought back into the game

coL.MoonMeander died

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

Limmp bought back into the game

Limmp died

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

Juicy J used Ravage

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll

k3k purchased Vladmir's Offering

k3k killed a hero

ZMAJ purchased Sentry Ward

ZMAJ purchased Observer Ward

ZMAJ purchased Gauntlets of Strength

ZMAJ purchased Gauntlets of Strength

ZMAJ killed heroes 2


coL.MoonMeander purchased Medallion of Courage

coL.MoonMeander purchased Town Portal Scroll

Limmp purchased Smoke of Deceit

Limmp bought back into the game

Limmp died

coL.swindlemelonzz died

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

k3k purchased Ring of Basilius

k3k killed heroes 2


coL.Zfreek used Mystic Flare

Limmp purchased Blink Dagger

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Perseverance


coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.swindlemelonzz died

Juicy J purchased Arcane Boots

Juicy J purchased Town Portal Scroll

Juicy J used Ravage

Tib purchased Town Portal Scroll

Wilson Paprson purchased Magic Stick

k3k purchased Magic Stick

k3k purchased Blink Dagger

k3k killed a hero

k3k used Primal Split


coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek purchased Arcane Boots

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Phase Boots


coL.Zfreek killed a hero

Limmp used Flaming Lasso

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Magic Wand

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Tango

Tib purchased Town Portal Scroll

Tib died


coL.MoonMeander purchased Clarity

Wilson Paprson purchased Observer Ward

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll

k3k purchased Town Portal Scroll

k3k purchased Power Treads

ZMAJ purchased Boots of Speed


coL.MoonMeander purchased Magic Stick

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

Limmp purchased Bottle

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Ring of Aquila

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz used Duel

Juicy J bought back into the game

Juicy J died

Tib purchased Ring of Aquila

Wilson Paprson bought back into the game

Wilson Paprson died


coL.MoonMeander purchased Smoke of Deceit

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek purchased Boots of Speed

coL.Zfreek purchased Magic Stick

coL.Zfreek purchased Smoke of Deceit

coL.Zfreek purchased Observer Ward

Limmp purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Magic Stick

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Power Treads

Tib purchased Boots of Speed


coL.Zfreek killed a hero

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Boots of Speed

Juicy J purchased Healing Salve

Juicy J purchased Magic Stick

Juicy J bought back into the game

Juicy J died

Wilson Paprson purchased Town Portal Scroll


^^DragonFist^^ purchased Bottle

k3k purchased Boots of Speed

ZMAJ purchased Sentry Ward


coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Boots of Speed

Tib purchased Bottle

Player statistics

Player lvl Net K D A GPM XPM LH DN
Fabio 25 27958 13 1 7 841 799 378 23
Tib 19 15650 3 7 12 495 478 304 1
Limmp 21 13953 6 4 14 437 595 192 0
swindlemelonzz 19 13481 4 8 10 439 482 186 5
Trotter 22 13447 9 5 15 476 643 209 40
Izzy's Daddy 17 8074 3 7 17 303 380 97 2
Wilson Paprson 15 7416 5 6 9 244 313 44 2
kjhgfdsa 16 7345 9 4 15 262 345 18 1
Zfreek 14 6605 6 10 9 271 292 44 3
MoonMeander 16 5792 0 7 17 227 350 37 0

Coalition of Cool Killers!!!


Lich 16

Net worth:
Brewmaster 22

Net worth:
Wilson Paprson
Disruptor 15

Net worth:
Naga Siren 19

Net worth:
Izzy's Daddy
Tidehunter 17

Net worth:

compLexity Gaming


Legion Commander 19

Net worth:
Batrider 21

Net worth:
Skywrath Mage 14

Net worth:
Vengeful Spirit 16

Net worth:
Medusa 25

Net worth: