27 : 38

Status : Past

Duration: 56:10

Roshan: 00:07

Spectators: 427

Match log


Dire Win

bOne7 purchased Refresher Orb

bOne7 killed heroes 2

pieliedie purchased Cheese

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Aegis of the Immortal

EE Spirit Bomb killed heroes 2

coL.Limmp died

coL.Zfreek purchased Dust of Appearance

coL.Zfreek died

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Town Portal Scroll

@coL_MoonMeander died

^^DragonFist^^ died

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Mithril Hammer

Bottom ranged barrack has fallen

Middle ranged barrack has fallen

Middle melee barrack has fallen

Top ranged barrack has fallen

Top melee barrack has fallen

Top ancient tower has fallen

Bottom ancient tower has fallen

T3 middle tower has fallen

T3 top tower has fallen


bOne7 died

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz died

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero


bOne7 killed a hero

bOne7 used Duel

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- purchased Black King Bar

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp died

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova


bOne7 purchased Perseverance

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Limmp used Viper Strike

coL.Zfreek purchased Sentry Ward

coL.Zfreek used Nether Swap

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Smoke of Deceit


Aui_2000 purchased Linken's Sphere

Aui_2000 purchased Town Portal Scroll

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Town Portal Scroll

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Assault Cuirass

coL.Limmp purchased Butterfly

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Scythe of Vyse


Aui_2000 purchased Linken's Sphere Recipe

pieliedie purchased Vladmir's Offering

pieliedie purchased Town Portal Scroll

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Zfreek purchased Smoke of Deceit

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Butterfly


pieliedie killed a hero

FATA- died

@coL_MoonMeander died

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero


bOne7 died

bOne7 used Duel

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- killed a hero

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp died

coL.Limmp killed a hero

coL.Limmp used Viper Strike

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek died

coL.Zfreek used Nether Swap


bOne7 purchased Town Portal Scroll

pieliedie purchased Smoke of Deceit

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Hyperstone

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Eaglesong


Aui_2000 purchased Gem of True Sight

FATA- purchased Shiva's Guard

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Limmp purchased Eaglesong

coL.Zfreek purchased Observer Ward

coL.Zfreek purchased Force Staff

coL.Zfreek purchased Gem of True Sight

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Blink Dagger

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Diffusal Blade


bOne7 died

bOne7 killed a hero

pieliedie purchased Force Staff

FATA- purchased Platemail

EE Spirit Bomb died

coL.Limmp killed a hero

@coL_MoonMeander died

^^DragonFist^^ killed a hero

T2 bottom tower has fallen

T1 bottom tower has fallen


bOne7 killed a hero

bOne7 used Duel

Aui_2000 died

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- died

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp killed a hero

coL.Limmp used Viper Strike

coL.Zfreek used Nether Swap

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Cheese

coL.swindlemelonzz died


bOne7 purchased Town Portal Scroll

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Limmp purchased Aegis of the Immortal

Roshan was killed


EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Heart of Tarrasque

Bottom melee barrack has fallen

T3 bottom tower has fallen


bOne7 used Duel

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie killed a hero

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- killed heroes 2

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp died

coL.Zfreek died

@coL_MoonMeander died

coL.swindlemelonzz died


EE Spirit Bomb purchased Satanic


bOne7 purchased Mjollnir

pieliedie purchased Smoke of Deceit

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Ultimate Orb

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll


bOne7 killed a hero

bOne7 used Duel

Aui_2000 purchased Gem of True Sight

pieliedie purchased Town Portal Scroll

pieliedie purchased Refresher Orb

pieliedie purchased Magic Stick

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Zfreek purchased Observer Ward

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Reaver

coL.swindlemelonzz died


Aui_2000 died

pieliedie purchased Gem of True Sight

pieliedie killed a hero

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

coL.Zfreek died

@coL_MoonMeander died

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero


bOne7 purchased Town Portal Scroll

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie purchased Refresher Orb Recipe

FATA- purchased Refresher Orb

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Limmp purchased Assault Cuirass

T2 middle tower has fallen


bOne7 died

Aui_2000 purchased Ultimate Orb

Aui_2000 purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Limmp killed a hero

coL.Limmp used Viper Strike


bOne7 killed a hero

bOne7 used Duel

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Limmp purchased Platemail

coL.Zfreek purchased Smoke of Deceit

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Manta Style

coL.swindlemelonzz died


bOne7 purchased Town Portal Scroll

bOne7 purchased Maelstrom

bOne7 died

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- died

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp killed a hero

coL.Zfreek used Nether Swap

@coL_MoonMeander died

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Bloodstone

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero


bOne7 killed a hero

bOne7 used Duel

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Limmp died

coL.Zfreek purchased Dust of Appearance

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Soul Booster

T2 top tower has fallen


Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Black King Bar

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Aegis of the Immortal

coL.Zfreek used Nether Swap

Roshan was killed


pieliedie purchased Ring of Health

FATA- purchased Perseverance

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Limmp purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Limmp purchased Hyperstone

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Sentry Ward

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Dust of Appearance

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Magic Wand

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Soul Ring


bOne7 purchased Shadow Blade

bOne7 purchased Smoke of Deceit

bOne7 killed heroes 2

bOne7 used Duel

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie died

FATA- killed a hero

EE Spirit Bomb died

coL.Limmp killed a hero

coL.Zfreek purchased Gem of True Sight

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

@coL_MoonMeander died

@coL_MoonMeander killed a hero

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Yasha

^^DragonFist^^ bought back into the game

^^DragonFist^^ died


bOne7 killed a hero

Aui_2000 purchased Power Treads

pieliedie purchased Oblivion Staff

pieliedie purchased Town Portal Scroll

FATA- purchased Boots of Travel

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

coL.Zfreek used Nether Swap

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Town Portal Scroll

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Aghanim's Scepter

@coL_MoonMeander died


bOne7 purchased Black King Bar

bOne7 purchased Blink Dagger

bOne7 bought back into the game

bOne7 died 2 times

bOne7 killed heroes 4

bOne7 used Duel

Aui_2000 purchased Ring of Aquila

Aui_2000 purchased Sentry Ward

Aui_2000 used Moonlight Shadow

pieliedie purchased Blink Dagger

pieliedie bought back into the game

pieliedie died 3 times

FATA- purchased Boots of Speed

FATA- purchased Bloodstone

FATA- purchased Blink Dagger

FATA- bought back into the game

FATA- died 2 times

FATA- killed heroes 3

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Helm of the Dominator

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Necronomicon

EE Spirit Bomb died

EE Spirit Bomb killed heroes 3

coL.Limmp purchased Cloak

coL.Limmp purchased Aghanim's Scepter

coL.Limmp purchased Mekansm

coL.Limmp bought back into the game

coL.Limmp died

coL.Limmp killed heroes 3

coL.Zfreek purchased Phase Boots

coL.Zfreek bought back into the game

coL.Zfreek died

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Blade of Alacrity

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Ogre Axe

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Staff of Wizardry

@coL_MoonMeander bought back into the game

@coL_MoonMeander died 4 times

@coL_MoonMeander killed heroes 2

@coL_MoonMeander used Supernova

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Radiance

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Boots of Travel

^^DragonFist^^ died

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Ogre Axe

coL.swindlemelonzz bought back into the game

coL.swindlemelonzz died 3 times

coL.swindlemelonzz killed heroes 2

T1 middle tower has fallen

T1 top tower has fallen

T2 bottom tower has fallen

T2 middle tower has fallen

T1 middle tower has fallen

T1 top tower has fallen

Roshan was killed


Aui_2000 purchased Observer Ward

Aui_2000 purchased Magic Stick

Aui_2000 purchased Town Portal Scroll

Aui_2000 bought back into the game

Aui_2000 died

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- purchased Point Booster

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Zfreek purchased Observer Ward

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Power Treads


pieliedie purchased Smoke of Deceit

pieliedie bought back into the game

pieliedie died

pieliedie used Ravage

FATA- bought back into the game

FATA- died

FATA- used Thundergod's Wrath

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Medallion of Courage

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

EE Spirit Bomb used Shapeshift

coL.Limmp purchased Headdress

coL.Limmp bought back into the game

coL.Limmp died

coL.Limmp killed a hero

coL.Zfreek purchased Dust of Appearance

coL.Zfreek purchased Magic Wand

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Magic Stick

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Town Portal Scroll

T1 bottom tower has fallen


bOne7 purchased Quelling Blade

bOne7 bought back into the game

bOne7 died

pieliedie purchased Town Portal Scroll

pieliedie purchased Arcane Boots

pieliedie killed a hero

FATA- purchased Magic Wand

FATA- purchased Soul Ring

FATA- killed a hero

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Power Treads

coL.Limmp purchased Ring of Regen

coL.Limmp purchased Buckler

coL.Zfreek purchased Urn of Shadows

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Tranquil Boots

@coL_MoonMeander bought back into the game

@coL_MoonMeander died

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Bottle

^^DragonFist^^ bought back into the game

^^DragonFist^^ died

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Ring of Basilius

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Bottle


bOne7 purchased Power Treads

Aui_2000 purchased Smoke of Deceit

Aui_2000 purchased Boots of Speed

Aui_2000 killed a hero

pieliedie purchased Sage's Mask

FATA- purchased Arcane Boots

FATA- purchased Town Portal Scroll

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Town Portal Scroll

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Boots of Speed

coL.Limmp purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.Limmp purchased Power Treads

coL.Limmp purchased Ring of Aquila

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

@coL_MoonMeander purchased Boots of Speed

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Ring of Aquila

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Magic Wand

coL.swindlemelonzz bought back into the game

coL.swindlemelonzz died


bOne7 purchased Town Portal Scroll

bOne7 died

pieliedie purchased Boots of Speed

pieliedie killed a hero

FATA- purchased Bottle

EE Spirit Bomb purchased Bottle

EE Spirit Bomb bought back into the game

EE Spirit Bomb died

EE Spirit Bomb killed a hero

coL.Zfreek purchased Boots of Speed

coL.Zfreek died

coL.Zfreek killed a hero

@coL_MoonMeander bought back into the game

@coL_MoonMeander died

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Quelling Blade

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Boots of Speed

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Boots of Speed

coL.swindlemelonzz purchased Town Portal Scroll

coL.swindlemelonzz bought back into the game

coL.swindlemelonzz died

coL.swindlemelonzz killed a hero


bOne7 purchased Boots of Speed

FATA- purchased Boots of Speed

coL.Limmp purchased Boots of Speed

coL.Zfreek purchased Town Portal Scroll

^^DragonFist^^ purchased Bottle

Player statistics

Player lvl Net K D A GPM XPM LH DN
Fabio 21 30287 2 4 11 594 414 564 3
EternalEnvy 25 25467 12 4 6 564 576 310 2
FATA- 25 24448 8 6 26 556 576 401 5
bOne7 25 21976 15 9 6 530 589 277 14
Limmp 24 20859 10 7 5 450 539 234 17
swindlemelonzz 24 14741 6 10 10 369 554 203 10
pieliedie 24 14418 5 5 19 361 549 178 2
Aui_2000 20 8804 1 3 13 284 385 110 3
MoonMeander 18 8708 3 14 11 238 305 83 4
Zfreek 19 6030 4 7 14 227 338 54 2

compLexity Gaming


Viper 24

Net worth:
Storm Spirit 24

Net worth:
Naga Siren 21

Net worth:
Phoenix 18

Net worth:
Vengeful Spirit 19

Net worth:



Zeus 25

Net worth:
Tidehunter 24

Net worth:
Mirana 20

Net worth:
Legion Commander 25

Net worth:
Lycan 25

Net worth: