46 : 27

Status : Past

Duration: 48:35

Roshan: 00:08

Spectators: 1570

Match log


Radiant Win

Big Easy purchased Town Portal Scroll

Big Easy died 2 times

Big Easy killed a hero

Sealkid purchased Town Portal Scroll

Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Sealkid died

Era died 2 times

Apemother purchased Assault Cuirass

Apemother died 2 times

Handsken purchased Point Booster

Handsken died 2 times

9pashaebashu killed heroes 2

No[o]ne- purchased Aegis of the Immortal

No[o]ne- died

No[o]ne- killed heroes 2

EcNart- purchased Clarity

EcNart- purchased Rod of Atos

EcNart- purchased Gem of True Sight

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR killed heroes 4

Bottom ranged barrack has fallen

Top ranged barrack has fallen

Top melee barrack has fallen

Bottom ancient tower has fallen

T3 top tower has fallen

T3 top tower has fallen


Big Easy purchased Monkey King Bar

Big Easy killed heroes 2

Sealkid bought back into the game

Sealkid died 2 times

Era purchased Eaglesong

Apemother killed a hero

Handsken bought back into the game

Handsken died

Handsken killed a hero

9pashaebashu purchased Boots of Travel

9pashaebashu purchased Gem of True Sight

9pashaebashu killed a hero

ArsZeeqq bought back into the game

ArsZeeqq died

No[o]ne- bought back into the game

No[o]ne- died

EcNart- purchased Staff of Wizardry

EcNart- bought back into the game

EcNart- died

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR bought back into the game

CeMaTheSlayeR died

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero

Bottom melee barrack has fallen

Top ancient tower has fallen


Big Easy purchased Demon Edge

Apemother purchased Town Portal Scroll

Handsken purchased Town Portal Scroll

T3 bottom tower has fallen


Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Apemother purchased Gem of True Sight

9pashaebashu purchased Vladmir's Offering


Sealkid died

Apemother killed a hero

Handsken killed heroes 2

9pashaebashu died

EcNart- died

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR died


Sealkid purchased Gem of True Sight

Apemother purchased Platemail

Handsken purchased Blade Mail

9pashaebashu purchased Town Portal Scroll

9pashaebashu purchased Ring of Basilius

ArsZeeqq purchased Town Portal Scroll

No[o]ne- purchased Assault Cuirass

No[o]ne- purchased Town Portal Scroll

EcNart- purchased Sentry Ward

EcNart- purchased Ghost Scepter

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Daedalus

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Town Portal Scroll


Big Easy purchased Town Portal Scroll

Big Easy bought back into the game

Big Easy died

Big Easy killed a hero

Sealkid purchased Sentry Ward

Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Era purchased Town Portal Scroll

Era purchased Talisman of Evasion

Era killed a hero

Handsken killed a hero

9pashaebashu died

ArsZeeqq died

No[o]ne- died

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero


Big Easy killed a hero

Sealkid died

Era died

Handsken died

9pashaebashu purchased Gem of True Sight

No[o]ne- killed a hero

EcNart- purchased Smoke of Deceit

EcNart- died

CeMaTheSlayeR killed heroes 2

Roshan was killed


Big Easy purchased Black King Bar

9pashaebashu purchased Magic Stick

ArsZeeqq purchased Black King Bar

No[o]ne- purchased Town Portal Scroll

EcNart- purchased Sentry Ward

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Manta Style


Big Easy killed heroes 2

Sealkid purchased Gem of True Sight

Era purchased Black King Bar

Era killed a hero

Apemother purchased Force Staff

Handsken died

9pashaebashu bought back into the game

9pashaebashu died

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- died

EcNart- died

Middle ranged barrack has fallen

T2 top tower has fallen

T2 bottom tower has fallen


9pashaebashu purchased Gem of True Sight


Big Easy purchased Gem of True Sight

Big Easy killed a hero

Sealkid purchased Town Portal Scroll

Era purchased Town Portal Scroll

Era died

Handsken purchased Vladmir's Offering

Handsken killed a hero

9pashaebashu purchased Blade Mail

EcNart- purchased Sentry Ward

EcNart- purchased Observer Ward

EcNart- died

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR died


Big Easy purchased Linken's Sphere

Big Easy purchased Town Portal Scroll

Sealkid purchased Sentry Ward

Sealkid died

Apemother purchased Town Portal Scroll

Apemother died

Handsken died

Handsken killed a hero

9pashaebashu killed a hero

No[o]ne- purchased Hyperstone

No[o]ne- died

No[o]ne- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero

Middle melee barrack has fallen

T3 middle tower has fallen

T1 bottom tower has fallen


Big Easy bought back into the game

Big Easy died

Sealkid died

Era bought back into the game

Era died

Apemother bought back into the game

Apemother died

Handsken bought back into the game

Handsken died

ArsZeeqq purchased Ogre Axe

No[o]ne- purchased Town Portal Scroll

No[o]ne- killed a hero

EcNart- purchased Vitality Booster

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Crystalys

CeMaTheSlayeR killed heroes 3


Big Easy purchased Ultimate Orb

Sealkid died

Era killed a hero

Apemother purchased Gem of True Sight

Apemother purchased Staff of Wizardry

Handsken purchased Mekansm

9pashaebashu died

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- purchased Skull Basher

EcNart- purchased Town Portal Scroll

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Town Portal Scroll

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Yasha


Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Sealkid purchased Gem of True Sight

Sealkid purchased Power Treads

Sealkid bought back into the game

Sealkid died

Era purchased Ogre Axe

Era bought back into the game

Era died

Apemother died

9pashaebashu purchased Town Portal Scroll

9pashaebashu purchased Force Staff

9pashaebashu purchased Chainmail

ArsZeeqq killed heroes 2

No[o]ne- purchased Aegis of the Immortal

EcNart- purchased Gem of True Sight

EcNart- purchased Observer Ward

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero

T1 middle tower has fallen

T2 top tower has fallen

Roshan was killed


Big Easy purchased Perseverance

Sealkid purchased Belt of Strength

Apemother purchased Ring of Basilius

ArsZeeqq purchased Yasha

EcNart- purchased Sentry Ward


Big Easy purchased Town Portal Scroll

Sealkid purchased Sentry Ward

Era purchased Manta Style

Apemother purchased Drum of Endurance

Apemother bought back into the game

Apemother died

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- purchased Black King Bar

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Aghanim's Scepter

T2 bottom tower has fallen


Sealkid bought back into the game

Sealkid died

Era bought back into the game

Era died

Apemother bought back into the game

Apemother died

Apemother killed a hero

Handsken bought back into the game

Handsken died

9pashaebashu purchased Magic Wand

ArsZeeqq purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- killed a hero

EcNart- purchased Smoke of Deceit

EcNart- bought back into the game

EcNart- died

CeMaTheSlayeR killed heroes 2

T2 middle tower has fallen


Apemother purchased Bracer

EcNart- purchased Observer Ward

EcNart- purchased Arcane Boots

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Town Portal Scroll

T1 top tower has fallen


Sealkid purchased Town Portal Scroll

Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Sealkid purchased Magic Wand

Sealkid died

Era died

Apemother purchased Hand of Midas

Apemother died

Apemother killed a hero

Handsken purchased Arcane Boots

Handsken purchased Town Portal Scroll

Handsken died

Handsken killed a hero

9pashaebashu died

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- killed a hero

EcNart- died

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero


Big Easy purchased Town Portal Scroll

Big Easy bought back into the game

Big Easy died

Sealkid killed a hero

Era purchased Ultimate Orb

9pashaebashu purchased Town Portal Scroll

9pashaebashu purchased Ring of Regen

9pashaebashu bought back into the game

9pashaebashu died

ArsZeeqq purchased Sentry Ward

No[o]ne- purchased Helm of the Dominator

EcNart- killed a hero

T1 bottom tower has fallen


Big Easy purchased Ring of Aquila

Big Easy died

Apemother purchased Gloves of Haste

Apemother purchased Town Portal Scroll

9pashaebashu purchased Blink Dagger

9pashaebashu killed a hero

ArsZeeqq purchased Sage's Mask

ArsZeeqq purchased Magic Wand

No[o]ne- purchased Morbid Mask

No[o]ne- purchased Town Portal Scroll

EcNart- purchased Observer Ward

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Point Booster


Big Easy purchased Town Portal Scroll

Big Easy died

Sealkid purchased Sentry Ward

Sealkid purchased Boots of Speed

Sealkid died

Sealkid killed a hero

Era purchased Yasha

Handsken died

9pashaebashu killed a hero

No[o]ne- bought back into the game

No[o]ne- died

EcNart- purchased Sentry Ward

EcNart- killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Mekansm

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero

T1 middle tower has fallen

Roshan was killed


Big Easy purchased Power Treads

Big Easy died

Sealkid purchased Town Portal Scroll

Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Handsken purchased Magic Wand

Handsken purchased Bracer

Handsken purchased Town Portal Scroll

ArsZeeqq purchased Sentry Ward

ArsZeeqq purchased Tranquil Boots

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

EcNart- purchased Smoke of Deceit

EcNart- purchased Magic Stick

T1 top tower has fallen


Big Easy purchased Bottle

Sealkid bought back into the game

Sealkid died

Era purchased Band of Elvenskin

Era bought back into the game

Era died

Apemother purchased Magic Wand

Apemother died

Handsken killed a hero

9pashaebashu killed a hero

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- purchased Power Treads

No[o]ne- died

No[o]ne- killed a hero

EcNart- purchased Boots of Speed

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Ring of Regen


Big Easy purchased Band of Elvenskin

Era purchased Town Portal Scroll

Era killed a hero

Handsken purchased Town Portal Scroll

9pashaebashu bought back into the game

9pashaebashu died

ArsZeeqq purchased Soul Ring

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Town Portal Scroll

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Power Treads

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Chainmail


Big Easy bought back into the game

Big Easy died

Era purchased Power Treads

Apemother purchased Town Portal Scroll

Apemother purchased Magic Stick

Apemother bought back into the game

Apemother died

Handsken purchased Magic Stick

9pashaebashu purchased Town Portal Scroll

9pashaebashu purchased Magic Stick

ArsZeeqq purchased Observer Ward

ArsZeeqq killed a hero

No[o]ne- purchased Belt of Strength

No[o]ne- purchased Town Portal Scroll

No[o]ne- purchased Ring of Aquila

EcNart- purchased Town Portal Scroll


Big Easy purchased Boots of Speed

Sealkid purchased Town Portal Scroll

Sealkid purchased Observer Ward

Sealkid bought back into the game

Sealkid died

Era purchased Wraith Band

Era killed a hero

9pashaebashu purchased Tranquil Boots

9pashaebashu bought back into the game

9pashaebashu died

9pashaebashu killed a hero

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Belt of Strength

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Magic Wand

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Ring of Aquila


Big Easy purchased Healing Salve

Big Easy purchased Tango

Big Easy purchased Magic Wand

Big Easy bought back into the game

Big Easy died

Sealkid purchased Clarity

Era purchased Ring of Aquila

Apemother purchased Phase Boots

Apemother died

Handsken purchased Boots of Speed

Handsken bought back into the game

Handsken died

9pashaebashu purchased Boots of Speed

ArsZeeqq purchased Soul Ring Recipe

ArsZeeqq purchased Town Portal Scroll

ArsZeeqq purchased Boots of Speed

No[o]ne- purchased Boots of Speed

No[o]ne- killed a hero

EcNart- purchased Town Portal Scroll

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Boots of Speed

CeMaTheSlayeR killed a hero


Big Easy purchased Magic Stick

Big Easy killed a hero

Apemother purchased Boots of Speed

No[o]ne- purchased Bottle

EcNart- died



Big Easy purchased Ring of Basilius

Era purchased Boots of Speed

9pashaebashu purchased Ring of Protection

EcNart- purchased Sentry Ward

CeMaTheSlayeR purchased Magic Stick

Player statistics

Player lvl Net K D A GPM XPM LH DN
CeMaTheSlayeR 25 21124 18 3 20 594 671 254 15
Era 21 19318 5 9 9 504 512 325 25
jonassonfan 25 18700 9 10 11 501 686 219 8
No[o]ne 24 18094 9 7 23 512 657 248 20
Apemother 21 14624 4 11 12 392 509 157 15
9pashaebashu 25 12603 8 8 19 449 668 213 2
ArsZeeq 20 11960 10 2 34 369 454 114 0
Handsken 19 10454 8 11 16 323 407 94 11
gr b 18 6285 8 8 14 292 372 55 1
Sealkid 17 2072 2 14 13 237 316 61 4

Vega_Squadron G2A


Elder Titan 20

Net worth:
Centaur Warrunner 25

Net worth:
Viper 25

Net worth:
Phantom Assassin 24

Net worth:
gr b
Skywrath Mage 18

Net worth:



Undying 19

Net worth:
Invoker 21

Net worth:
Drow Ranger 21

Net worth:
Vengeful Spirit 17

Net worth:
Weaver 25

Net worth: