Prizepool : $108,276
Status : Past
Spectators: 1358
Radiant Win
啦啦啦 purchased Blink Dagger
啦啦啦 died
啦啦啦 killed a hero
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Ghost Scepter
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died 2 times
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! killed heroes 2
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 killed a hero
RaN . died
Come with me died
Come with me killed a hero
Music purchased Divine Rapier
Music purchased Power Treads
Music killed heroes 4
FK.duizhang.doubi died
FK.duizhang.doubi killed a hero
call me L purchased Black King Bar
call me L died
HORO died 2 times
Azure died
Azure killed a hero
Middle ranged barrack has fallen
Bottom ancient tower has fallen
啦啦啦 purchased Observer Ward
啦啦啦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Sange
RaN . purchased Observer Ward
RaN . purchased Ghost Scepter
Music purchased Boots of Speed
T2 middle tower has fallen
啦啦啦 killed a hero
call me L died
Middle melee barrack has fallen
啦啦啦 purchased Vladmir's Offering
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Divine Rapier
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 killed a hero
RaN . died
RaN . killed a hero
Come with me killed a hero
Music died
FK.duizhang.doubi died
call me L killed a hero
HORO purchased Boots of Travel
Azure died
T3 middle tower has fallen
RaN . purchased Power Treads
RaN . purchased Cheese
call me L purchased Aegis of the Immortal
Top ancient tower has fallen
Roshan was killed
啦啦啦 purchased Sage's Mask
啦啦啦 purchased Ring of Regen
啦啦啦 killed a hero
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 killed a hero
Come with me died
Music purchased Divine Rapier
Music killed a hero
FK.duizhang.doubi died
call me L purchased Power Treads
call me L killed a hero
HORO died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
Music purchased Skull Basher
Music killed a hero
RaN . purchased Black King Bar
Azure purchased Town Portal Scroll
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Town Portal Scroll
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Blade Mail
call me L purchased Drum of Endurance
Azure purchased Black King Bar
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Chainmail
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Smoke of Deceit
啦啦啦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
Come with me purchased Heart of Tarrasque
T1 middle tower has fallen
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! killed a hero
call me L died
啦啦啦 purchased Ghost Scepter
啦啦啦 purchased Sentry Ward
Music purchased Eye of Skadi
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Force Staff
RaN . purchased Mithril Hammer
Come with me purchased Vladmir's Offering
Come with me killed a hero
call me L purchased Town Portal Scroll
Azure purchased Town Portal Scroll
Azure died
Top ranged barrack has fallen
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! bought back into the game
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! killed a hero
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
Come with me purchased Divine Rapier
Come with me killed a hero
Music killed a hero
FK.duizhang.doubi died
call me L died
call me L killed a hero
HORO died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Dust of Appearance
Music purchased Ultimate Orb
call me L purchased Manta Style
啦啦啦 purchased Observer Ward
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Town Portal Scroll
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Observer Ward
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Smoke of Deceit
call me L purchased Divine Rapier
call me L purchased Aegis of the Immortal
Roshan was killed
啦啦啦 died
啦啦啦 killed heroes 2
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
RaN . died
Come with me died
Come with me killed a hero
Music died
Music killed heroes 2
FK.duizhang.doubi died
call me L killed heroes 3
HORO died
啦啦啦 purchased Sentry Ward
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Smoke of Deceit
RaN . purchased Ogre Axe
RaN . killed a hero
Come with me purchased Town Portal Scroll
Azure died
啦啦啦 purchased Dust of Appearance
啦啦啦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
call me L purchased Sacred Relic
HORO purchased Town Portal Scroll
Come with me purchased Black King Bar
Come with me killed heroes 2
Music died
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Town Portal Scroll
HORO died
Azure purchased Town Portal Scroll
啦啦啦 died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Black King Bar
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
RaN . died
RaN . killed a hero
Come with me killed heroes 2
Music killed a hero
FK.duizhang.doubi died
call me L killed heroes 3
HORO died
Azure died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Staff of Wizardry
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Force Staff
HORO purchased Town Portal Scroll
HORO purchased Force Staff
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Town Portal Scroll
RaN . purchased Sentry Ward
RaN . purchased Observer Ward
RaN . purchased Orchid Malevolence
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Observer Ward
啦啦啦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
啦啦啦 purchased Sentry Ward
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! killed a hero
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 killed a hero
RaN . killed a hero
Come with me killed a hero
Music died
FK.duizhang.doubi died
call me L died
call me L killed heroes 2
Azure died
Top melee barrack has fallen
T3 top tower has fallen
T2 top tower has fallen
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 killed a hero
RaN . died
Come with me purchased Town Portal Scroll
Come with me purchased Manta Style
call me L killed heroes 2
HORO purchased Town Portal Scroll
HORO purchased Ring of Regen
HORO died
Azure killed a hero
T1 bottom tower has fallen
啦啦啦 purchased Aghanim's Scepter
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Magic Wand
Music purchased Town Portal Scroll
Music purchased Black King Bar
call me L purchased Drum of Endurance
call me L purchased Yasha
啦啦啦 purchased Staff of Wizardry
啦啦啦 killed a hero
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Blink Dagger
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! killed a hero
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
RaN . purchased Quarterstaff
RaN . died
Come with me purchased Ultimate Orb
Come with me bought back into the game
Come with me died
Come with me killed a hero
Music died
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Town Portal Scroll
call me L died
call me L killed heroes 4
Azure purchased Ogre Axe
Azure bought back into the game
Azure died
Bottom ranged barrack has fallen
Bottom melee barrack has fallen
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! killed a hero
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 died
Come with me killed a hero
FK.duizhang.doubi died
HORO died
Azure killed a hero
T3 bottom tower has fallen
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! purchased Town Portal Scroll
Music purchased Wraith Band
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Sentry Ward
call me L purchased Aegis of the Immortal
T2 bottom tower has fallen
Roshan was killed
啦啦啦 purchased Ogre Axe
啦啦啦 killed a hero
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! died
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Mithril Hammer
RaN . purchased Town Portal Scroll
RaN . bought back into the game
RaN . died
Come with me died
Music killed a hero
FK.duizhang.doubi purchased Staff of Wizardry
call me L killed a hero
HORO purchased Town Portal Scroll
HORO purchased Staff of Wizardry
HORO died
HORO killed a hero
Azure purchased Cloak
啦啦啦 purchased Observer Ward
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 killed a hero
RaN . purchased Oblivion Staff
RaN . purchased Robe of the Magi
Come with me bought back into the game
Come with me died
Music killed a hero
call me L purchased Desolator
call me L bought back into the game
call me L died
啦啦啦 purchased Sentry Ward
啦啦啦 purchased Point Booster
Come with me purchased Yasha
HORO purchased Town Portal Scroll
Azure purchased Town Portal Scroll
Azure purchased Force Staff
T1 top tower has fallen
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 purchased Ogre Axe
Player | lvl | Net | K | D | A | GPM | XPM | LH | DN |
Come with me | 25 | 22949 | 12 | 6 | 16 | 609 | 622 | 484 | 30 |
队友全部给我躺平 | 25 | 19027 | 25 | 11 | 12 | 618 | 621 | 209 | 8 |
Music | 25 | 18617 | 14 | 5 | 14 | 563 | 622 | 214 | 26 |
被鱼秀的一愣一愣的 | 20 | 18510 | 10 | 14 | 15 | 329 | 410 | 131 | 16 |
Azure | 22 | 11642 | 3 | 9 | 24 | 326 | 510 | 132 | 0 |
啦啦啦 | 25 | 11405 | 10 | 5 | 20 | 352 | 621 | 86 | 1 |
鱼王 | 22 | 11343 | 5 | 13 | 23 | 306 | 486 | 96 | 4 |
HORO | 18 | 11116 | 3 | 12 | 17 | 319 | 348 | 157 | 2 |
杨幂要离婚啦!!!!! | 20 | 7817 | 8 | 13 | 22 | 284 | 401 | 70 | 0 |
我是最菜的 | 16 | 7698 | 5 | 9 | 13 | 255 | 283 | 44 | 0 |