i League Season 2

Prizepool : $108,276


21 : 22

Status : Past

Duration: 41:46

Roshan: 06:29

Spectators: 5199

Match log


Radiant Win

qian died 2 times

薪晴 died

uuu9 died

uuu9 killed a hero

Kabu died

lpc died

Ysim_IVivi purchased Eye of Skadi

Ysim_IVivi purchased Power Treads

Ysim_IVivi died

Ysim_IVivi killed heroes 2

娜迦水妖 killed a hero

我妍我妍。 purchased Town Portal Scroll

我妍我妍。 killed heroes 3


qian bought back into the game

qian died

uuu9 purchased Scythe of Vyse

uuu9 bought back into the game

uuu9 died

Kabu purchased Observer Ward

lpc purchased Town Portal Scroll

lpc bought back into the game

lpc died

Ysim_IVivi killed a hero

娜迦水妖 purchased Boots of Travel

娜迦水妖 purchased Platemail

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Observer Ward

我妍我妍。 purchased Aegis of the Immortal

我妍我妍。 purchased Daedalus

我妍我妍。 killed heroes 2

保我能赢 purchased Force Staff

保我能赢 purchased Dust of Appearance

Roshan was killed


薪晴 bought back into the game

薪晴 died

uuu9 purchased Ultimate Orb

Kabu purchased Vitality Booster

Kabu bought back into the game

Kabu died 2 times

lpc bought back into the game

lpc died

lpc killed a hero

Ysim_IVivi killed heroes 2

娜迦水妖 killed a hero

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Gem of True Sight

我妍我妍。 bought back into the game

我妍我妍。 died

我妍我妍。 killed a hero

T2 middle tower has fallen


qian purchased Black King Bar

qian died

薪晴 purchased Aghanim's Scepter

Kabu purchased Observer Ward

lpc purchased Tranquil Boots

Ysim_IVivi purchased Linken's Sphere

Ysim_IVivi killed a hero

娜迦水妖 purchased Black King Bar

娜迦水妖 purchased Town Portal Scroll

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Force Staff

我妍我妍。 purchased Monkey King Bar

T1 bottom tower has fallen


qian purchased Town Portal Scroll

qian purchased Ogre Axe

Kabu purchased Town Portal Scroll

lpc purchased Force Staff

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Town Portal Scroll

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Staff of Wizardry

我妍我妍。 purchased Demon Edge

保我能赢 purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity

保我能赢 purchased Ring of Regen

保我能赢 purchased Observer Ward

T2 middle tower has fallen


薪晴 killed a hero

Kabu purchased Smoke of Deceit

lpc purchased Town Portal Scroll

Ysim_IVivi purchased Black King Bar

娜迦水妖 purchased Town Portal Scroll

娜迦水妖 bought back into the game

娜迦水妖 died

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Observer Ward

T1 middle tower has fallen

T2 top tower has fallen


薪晴 purchased Aegis of the Immortal

薪晴 purchased Gem of True Sight

薪晴 purchased Force Staff

uuu9 purchased Boots of Travel

uuu9 died

Kabu purchased Observer Ward

lpc purchased Staff of Wizardry

娜迦水妖 purchased Blink Dagger

娜迦水妖 killed a hero

Roshan was killed


qian purchased Aghanim's Scepter

uuu9 purchased Bottle

uuu9 killed a hero

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Smoke of Deceit

保我能赢 died


qian killed a hero

薪晴 purchased Orchid Malevolence

薪晴 killed a hero

uuu9 purchased Blink Dagger

uuu9 killed heroes 2

lpc purchased Bottle

lpc purchased Observer Ward

lpc purchased Sentry Ward

lpc purchased Magic Wand

Ysim_IVivi bought back into the game

Ysim_IVivi died

娜迦水妖 died

队友请选DOOM能赢 bought back into the game

队友请选DOOM能赢 died

我妍我妍。 purchased Black King Bar

保我能赢 purchased Staff of Wizardry

保我能赢 died

T1 top tower has fallen

T1 bottom tower has fallen


qian bought back into the game

qian died

qian killed a hero

薪晴 killed a hero

Kabu purchased Arcane Boots

Kabu bought back into the game

Kabu died

Kabu killed a hero

lpc died

Ysim_IVivi purchased Town Portal Scroll

Ysim_IVivi purchased Magic Wand

Ysim_IVivi bought back into the game

Ysim_IVivi died

娜迦水妖 purchased Town Portal Scroll

娜迦水妖 purchased Aghanim's Scepter

娜迦水妖 bought back into the game

娜迦水妖 died

队友请选DOOM能赢 bought back into the game

队友请选DOOM能赢 died

我妍我妍。 killed heroes 2

保我能赢 killed a hero

T1 middle tower has fallen


qian purchased Point Booster

qian bought back into the game

qian died

薪晴 bought back into the game

薪晴 died

薪晴 killed a hero

uuu9 purchased Magic Wand

uuu9 purchased Town Portal Scroll

uuu9 bought back into the game

uuu9 died

uuu9 killed a hero

Kabu purchased Dust of Appearance

Kabu bought back into the game

Kabu died

lpc bought back into the game

lpc died

Ysim_IVivi purchased Perseverance

Ysim_IVivi killed heroes 2

娜迦水妖 bought back into the game

娜迦水妖 died

娜迦水妖 killed a hero

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Observer Ward

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Magic Wand

我妍我妍。 purchased Blink Dagger

我妍我妍。 killed heroes 2

保我能赢 purchased Town Portal Scroll

保我能赢 bought back into the game

保我能赢 died


qian killed a hero

薪晴 purchased Oblivion Staff

薪晴 killed a hero

Kabu purchased Smoke of Deceit

lpc purchased Dust of Appearance

lpc bought back into the game

lpc died

Ysim_IVivi purchased Hand of Midas

娜迦水妖 purchased Town Portal Scroll

娜迦水妖 purchased Ogre Axe

娜迦水妖 bought back into the game

娜迦水妖 died

我妍我妍。 killed a hero

保我能赢 bought back into the game

保我能赢 died


qian purchased Town Portal Scroll

qian purchased Magic Wand

qian killed a hero

薪晴 purchased Magic Stick

薪晴 purchased Hand of Midas

薪晴 purchased Town Portal Scroll

uuu9 purchased Magic Stick

uuu9 purchased Mekansm

Kabu purchased Observer Ward

lpc purchased Magic Stick

娜迦水妖 purchased Point Booster

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Town Portal Scroll

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Arcane Boots

队友请选DOOM能赢 died

我妍我妍。 purchased Drum of Endurance


qian purchased Blink Dagger

qian bought back into the game

qian died

qian killed a hero

薪晴 killed a hero

uuu9 purchased Headdress

uuu9 purchased Buckler

uuu9 killed a hero

Kabu purchased Null Talisman

Kabu purchased Town Portal Scroll

Kabu bought back into the game

Kabu died

lpc purchased Clarity

lpc purchased Town Portal Scroll

lpc purchased Blink Dagger

lpc bought back into the game

lpc died

队友请选DOOM能赢 bought back into the game

队友请选DOOM能赢 died

队友请选DOOM能赢 killed a hero

我妍我妍。 purchased Robe of the Magi

我妍我妍。 purchased Bracer

我妍我妍。 purchased Magic Wand

我妍我妍。 died

我妍我妍。 killed a hero

保我能赢 purchased Tranquil Boots

保我能赢 purchased Magic Stick

保我能赢 bought back into the game

保我能赢 died

T1 top tower has fallen


qian purchased Town Portal Scroll

薪晴 purchased Sage's Mask

薪晴 purchased Clarity

薪晴 purchased Phase Boots

uuu9 killed a hero

Kabu killed a hero

Ysim_IVivi purchased Ring of Aquila

Ysim_IVivi bought back into the game

Ysim_IVivi died

娜迦水妖 purchased Hand of Midas

娜迦水妖 purchased Town Portal Scroll

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Town Portal Scroll

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Observer Ward

我妍我妍。 purchased Town Portal Scroll

我妍我妍。 purchased Power Treads

我妍我妍。 bought back into the game

我妍我妍。 died

保我能赢 purchased Town Portal Scroll

保我能赢 purchased Boots of Speed


qian purchased Boots of Speed

qian purchased Bottle

薪晴 purchased Gloves of Haste

薪晴 purchased Boots of Speed

uuu9 purchased Bottle

uuu9 purchased Soul Ring

Kabu purchased Observer Ward

Kabu purchased Boots of Speed

Kabu killed a hero

Ysim_IVivi purchased Boots of Speed

Ysim_IVivi bought back into the game

Ysim_IVivi died

娜迦水妖 purchased Gloves of Haste

娜迦水妖 purchased Boots of Speed

队友请选DOOM能赢 purchased Boots of Speed

我妍我妍。 purchased Boots of Speed

我妍我妍。 purchased Bottle


uuu9 purchased Boots of Speed

uuu9 killed a hero

lpc purchased Iron Branch

Ysim_IVivi purchased Ring of Basilius

娜迦水妖 purchased Healing Salve

娜迦水妖 bought back into the game

娜迦水妖 died

Player statistics

Player lvl Net K D A GPM XPM LH DN
MarsC 23 18598 12 3 10 601 702 285 19
YsimIVivi 22 18279 8 5 3 545 606 246 16
Eleven 21 17541 4 6 15 524 565 195 8
XinQ 19 16104 6 3 7 466 499 219 14
uuu9 18 14204 8 4 9 416 439 197 4
qian 18 12479 5 7 7 384 439 184 11
Lpc 15 7833 1 7 10 262 300 99 0
James 17 6825 1 5 16 246 370 72 1
yihaowei 15 5676 1 4 15 226 310 55 3
Kabu 14 4332 3 6 9 197 252 33 1

Immortal Magneto Gaming


Templar Assassin 23

Net worth:
Rubick 15

Net worth:
Jakiro 17

Net worth:
Doom 21

Net worth:
Morphling 22

Net worth:



Sand King 15

Net worth:
Skywrath Mage 14

Net worth:
Dark Seer 18

Net worth:
Invoker 19

Net worth:
Brewmaster 18

Net worth: