Prizepool : $80,956
Status : Past
Spectators: 1007
Dire Win
Misery purchased Black King Bar
Misery killed a hero
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 died
s4 killed heroes 3
BigDaddyN0tail purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity
BigDaddyN0tail killed heroes 2
Puppey died
yol died 2 times
yol killed a hero
Sedoy died
G purchased Refresher Orb
G died
633 died
JotM died 2 times
Middle ranged barrack has fallen
Middle melee barrack has fallen
Top ancient tower has fallen
Bottom ancient tower has fallen
T2 bottom tower has fallen
Misery died
KuroKy died
s4 died
s4 killed heroes 2
BigDaddyN0tail died
Puppey died
Sedoy purchased Aghanim's Scepter
Sedoy killed heroes 2
G killed heroes 2
633 died
JotM died
Middle melee barrack has fallen
KuroKy killed heroes 2
s4 killed a hero
yol died
Sedoy bought back into the game
Sedoy died
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died
Middle ranged barrack has fallen
Top ranged barrack has fallen
T3 middle tower has fallen
T2 middle tower has fallen
Misery killed a hero
633 died
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 killed a hero
Puppey killed a hero
yol died
Sedoy died
G died
T3 middle tower has fallen
s4 purchased Daedalus
Misery died
633 killed a hero
s4 killed heroes 2
633 bought back into the game
633 died
JotM died
Top melee barrack has fallen
KuroKy purchased Heart of Tarrasque
s4 killed a hero
yol died
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 killed heroes 2
Puppey died
Sedoy died
G died
G killed a hero
JotM died
T2 middle tower has fallen
KuroKy purchased Tranquil Boots
Misery died
Sedoy killed a hero
s4 purchased Crystalys
BigDaddyN0tail purchased Void Stone
Misery purchased Scythe of Vyse
Misery killed heroes 2
KuroKy purchased Reaver
s4 bought back into the game
s4 died
s4 killed a hero
BigDaddyN0tail killed a hero
Sedoy bought back into the game
Sedoy died
G died
633 bought back into the game
633 died
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died
JotM killed a hero
T3 top tower has fallen
T2 top tower has fallen
s4 killed a hero
BigDaddyN0tail purchased Aghanim's Scepter
yol died
633 purchased Black King Bar
yol purchased Aghanim's Scepter
JotM purchased Force Staff
G purchased Aegis of the Immortal
Roshan was killed
KuroKy purchased Tranquil Boots
Puppey died
Sedoy purchased Point Booster
G purchased Heart of Tarrasque
G killed a hero
Sedoy purchased Force Staff
Misery died
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 died
BigDaddyN0tail died
yol died
Sedoy killed a hero
G purchased Reaver
G killed a hero
JotM killed a hero
T1 top tower has fallen
Misery killed a hero
Puppey died
yol killed a hero
633 died
KuroKy purchased Black King Bar
Misery killed a hero
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 purchased Battle Fury
BigDaddyN0tail killed a hero
Puppey bought back into the game
Puppey died
yol died
Sedoy died
G killed a hero
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died
T2 top tower has fallen
G purchased Black King Bar
KuroKy died
KuroKy killed heroes 2
yol died
Sedoy died
G killed a hero
Puppey died
Puppey killed a hero
G killed a hero
JotM died
KuroKy killed a hero
633 purchased Vanguard
633 died
Roshan was killed
Puppey purchased Urn of Shadows
Misery purchased Force Staff
BigDaddyN0tail purchased Point Booster
Misery died
KuroKy killed a hero
Sedoy killed a hero
633 died
T1 middle tower has fallen
s4 killed a hero
Sedoy died
KuroKy bought back into the game
KuroKy died
KuroKy killed a hero
633 died
633 killed a hero
T1 bottom tower has fallen
Puppey died
yol killed a hero
Misery killed a hero
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 killed heroes 2
BigDaddyN0tail died
Puppey bought back into the game
Puppey died
Puppey killed a hero
yol bought back into the game
yol died
Sedoy purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Sedoy bought back into the game
Sedoy died
Sedoy killed a hero
G bought back into the game
G died
G killed a hero
633 bought back into the game
633 died
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died
KuroKy purchased Force Staff
s4 purchased Drum of Endurance
yol purchased Point Booster
KuroKy killed a hero
BigDaddyN0tail killed a hero
Sedoy died
G died
T2 bottom tower has fallen
Misery died
Misery killed a hero
KuroKy killed heroes 2
Puppey died
yol died
G killed heroes 2
633 died
JotM died
G purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Misery killed a hero
Puppey purchased Medallion of Courage
633 purchased Vitality Booster
633 died
Misery killed a hero
KuroKy bought back into the game
KuroKy died
KuroKy killed heroes 3
s4 bought back into the game
s4 died
s4 killed a hero
BigDaddyN0tail bought back into the game
BigDaddyN0tail died
Puppey killed a hero
yol bought back into the game
yol died
yol killed heroes 2
Sedoy bought back into the game
Sedoy died
G bought back into the game
G died
633 bought back into the game
633 died 2 times
633 killed a hero
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died
BigDaddyN0tail purchased Arcane Boots
KuroKy killed a hero
JotM died
T1 middle tower has fallen
s4 died
G killed a hero
KuroKy purchased Tranquil Boots
Misery purchased Tranquil Boots
Misery killed a hero
KuroKy bought back into the game
KuroKy died
KuroKy killed a hero
s4 bought back into the game
s4 died
s4 killed a hero
BigDaddyN0tail bought back into the game
BigDaddyN0tail died 2 times
Puppey bought back into the game
Puppey died 2 times
Puppey killed heroes 2
yol purchased Tranquil Boots
yol bought back into the game
yol died
Sedoy killed a hero
G purchased Drum of Endurance
G bought back into the game
G died
G killed heroes 3
633 bought back into the game
633 died
633 killed a hero
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died 2 times
T1 top tower has fallen
s4 killed a hero
Sedoy died
T1 bottom tower has fallen
KuroKy purchased Tranquil Boots
s4 killed a hero
Sedoy bought back into the game
Sedoy died
633 purchased Urn of Shadows
Sedoy purchased Ring of Basilius
KuroKy killed a hero
JotM bought back into the game
JotM died
BigDaddyN0tail bought back into the game
BigDaddyN0tail died
Puppey bought back into the game
Puppey died
yol killed heroes 2
Misery bought back into the game
Misery died
Sedoy killed a hero
Puppey killed a hero
633 bought back into the game
633 died
Player | lvl | Net | K | D | A | GPM | XPM | LH | DN |
GoD | 25 | 20579 | 15 | 8 | 8 | 608 | 758 | 254 | 16 |
Kuroky | 24 | 19162 | 22 | 5 | 25 | 549 | 726 | 141 | 1 |
s4 | 25 | 18506 | 21 | 7 | 27 | 581 | 746 | 180 | 1 |
MiSeRY | 24 | 15262 | 11 | 7 | 37 | 491 | 694 | 108 | 2 |
Sedoy | 23 | 12002 | 8 | 13 | 17 | 419 | 677 | 148 | 3 |
BzzIsPerfect | 17 | 10021 | 4 | 16 | 15 | 352 | 364 | 155 | 5 |
N0tail | 20 | 9759 | 5 | 7 | 30 | 330 | 502 | 66 | 2 |
Yol | 17 | 7675 | 7 | 13 | 20 | 273 | 364 | 28 | 0 |
Puppey | 18 | 7504 | 7 | 13 | 24 | 302 | 397 | 53 | 0 |
Jotm | 15 | 3348 | 2 | 16 | 19 | 227 | 302 | 29 | 1 |