Prizepool : $114,866
Status : Past
Spectators: 392
Dire Win
awwwww bought back into the game
awwwww died
awwwww killed a hero
Heen bought back into the game
Heen died
Heen killed heroes 2
QO bought back into the game
QO died
QO killed heroes 3
Febby bought back into the game
Febby died
Febby killed a hero
March bought back into the game
March died
123.Ben bought back into the game
123.Ben died 2 times
123.Ben killed a hero
YamateH died
YamateH killed heroes 4
ice. bought back into the game
ice. died
asd bought back into the game
asd died
adam purchased
Vladmir's Offering
adam bought back into the game
adam died 2 times
Top ranged barrack has fallen
Top melee barrack has fallen
Top ancient tower has fallen
T3 top tower has fallen
awwwww purchased
awwwww purchased
Black King Bar
awwwww bought back into the game
awwwww died
awwwww killed heroes 2
Heen bought back into the game
Heen died
Heen killed a hero
QO purchased
Black King Bar
QO purchased
Monkey King Bar
QO bought back into the game
QO died
QO killed heroes 5
Febby purchased
Force Staff
Febby bought back into the game
Febby died 2 times
March bought back into the game
March died 2 times
March killed a hero
123.Ben purchased
Black King Bar
123.Ben bought back into the game
123.Ben died
123.Ben killed a hero
YamateH purchased
Demon Edge
YamateH died 3 times
YamateH killed a hero
ice. bought back into the game
ice. died
ice. killed heroes 3
asd purchased
Force Staff
asd bought back into the game
asd died 2 times
adam purchased
Ring of Basilius
adam bought back into the game
adam died 2 times
adam killed a hero
Middle ranged barrack has fallen
Middle melee barrack has fallen
T2 top tower has fallen
Roshan was killed
awwwww killed a hero
Heen killed a hero
QO purchased
Demon Edge
QO killed a hero
Febby bought back into the game
Febby died
Febby killed a hero
March bought back into the game
March died
123.Ben bought back into the game
123.Ben died
123.Ben killed a hero
YamateH bought back into the game
YamateH died
ice. purchased
Aghanim's Scepter
ice. bought back into the game
ice. died
ice. killed a hero
asd bought back into the game
asd died
T3 top tower has fallen
T2 top tower has fallen
Bottom ranged barrack has fallen
Bottom melee barrack has fallen
T3 bottom tower has fallen
T2 bottom tower has fallen
T3 middle tower has fallen
awwwww purchased
Force Staff
awwwww bought back into the game
awwwww died 2 times
awwwww killed heroes 2
Heen killed a hero
QO purchased
Aghanim's Scepter
QO purchased
Aegis of the Immortal
QO killed heroes 3
Febby bought back into the game
Febby died 2 times
March killed a hero
123.Ben purchased
Eul's Scepter of Divinity
123.Ben bought back into the game
123.Ben died
YamateH purchased
YamateH purchased
Manta Style
YamateH killed heroes 2
ice. purchased
Point Booster
ice. bought back into the game
ice. died 2 times
ice. killed a hero
asd purchased
Tranquil Boots
asd bought back into the game
asd died 2 times
asd killed a hero
adam purchased
Medallion of Courage
adam bought back into the game
adam died 2 times
T1 bottom tower has fallen
T1 top tower has fallen
T1 bottom tower has fallen
T2 middle tower has fallen
T1 middle tower has fallen
T1 top tower has fallen
Roshan was killed
awwwww bought back into the game
awwwww died
awwwww killed heroes 3
Heen purchased
Medallion of Courage
QO purchased
Point Booster
QO killed heroes 2
March purchased
Arcane Boots
March purchased
March killed a hero
123.Ben bought back into the game
123.Ben died
YamateH purchased
YamateH bought back into the game
YamateH died
YamateH killed a hero
ice. bought back into the game
ice. died 3 times
adam bought back into the game
adam died 2 times
QO killed a hero
adam died
Febby purchased
Arcane Boots
Heen killed a hero
adam bought back into the game
adam died
QO died
123.Ben killed a hero
awwwww purchased
Tranquil Boots
Heen bought back into the game
Heen died
QO killed a hero
ice. purchased
Arcane Boots
ice. killed a hero
asd bought back into the game
asd died
Febby bought back into the game
Febby died
March bought back into the game
March died 2 times
YamateH purchased
Ring of Aquila
YamateH killed a hero
asd killed heroes 2
YamateH purchased
Ring of Basilius
ice. purchased
Orb of Venom
Player | lvl | Net | K | D | A | GPM | XPM | LH | DN |
![]() |
20 | 17923 | 17 | 3 | 11 | 637 | 612 | 149 | 10 |
![]() |
22 | 14143 | 9 | 6 | 7 | 527 | 743 | 243 | 17 |
![]() |
20 | 13390 | 9 | 5 | 14 | 491 | 612 | 101 | 11 |
![]() |
16 | 12398 | 3 | 7 | 20 | 468 | 419 | 169 | 0 |
![]() |
16 | 12046 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 410 | 414 | 201 | 8 |
![]() |
17 | 10077 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 372 | 452 | 111 | 22 |
![]() |
15 | 9051 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 420 | 377 | 80 | 0 |
![]() |
13 | 6526 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 330 | 283 | 37 | 0 |
![]() |
13 | 6255 | 1 | 11 | 10 | 264 | 273 | 37 | 2 |
![]() |
11 | 3885 | 4 | 8 | 10 | 244 | 226 | 4 | 0 |