Prizepool : $24,787,916
Status : Past
Spectators: 8073
Radiant Win
123 purchased Enchanted Mango
123 bought back into the game
123 died
Axb purchased Dust of Appearance
Axb bought back into the game
Axb died
11 purchased Blink Dagger
11 bought back into the game
11 died 2 times
Puer tea purchased Ogre Axe
Puer tea bought back into the game
Puer tea died
visual feast purchased Dagon
visual feast bought back into the game
visual feast died
visual feast killed heroes 2
eLeVeN purchased Platemail
eLeVeN purchased Gem of True Sight
eLeVeN bought back into the game
eLeVeN died
AME purchased Aegis of the Immortal
AME purchased Sange and Yasha
AME purchased Butterfly
AME killed a hero
Somnus、M purchased Cheese
Somnus、M purchased Blink Dagger
Somnus、M purchased Ultimate Orb
Somnus、M killed heroes 5
Victoria丶JY purchased Hood of Defiance
Victoria丶JY bought back into the game
Victoria丶JY died
Yao purchased Force Staff
Yao purchased Blink Dagger
Top ranged barrack has fallen
Top melee barrack has fallen
T3 top tower has fallen
Victoria丶JY purchased Sentry Ward
Yao purchased Observer Ward
visual feast purchased Gem of True Sight
eLeVeN purchased Shadow Blade
Puer tea purchased Orb of Venom
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Victoria丶JY purchased Force Staff
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
Axb purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Puer tea purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 died
Somnus、M killed a hero
Middle ranged barrack has fallen
Middle melee barrack has fallen
Axb died
eLeVeN killed a hero
Axb purchased Sentry Ward
AME purchased Magic Wand
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer Ward
visual feast purchased Staff of Wizardry
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
Axb purchased Sentry Ward
AME purchased Black King Bar
Somnus、M purchased Assault Cuirass
visual feast killed a hero
AME purchased Magic Wand
Yao purchased Town Portal Scroll
Yao died
123 purchased Smoke of Deceit
AME purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 died
Axb purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
11 bought back into the game
11 died
Puer tea purchased Stout Shield
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Blink Dagger
AME killed a hero
Yao killed a hero
Yao purchased Aghanim's Scepter
Yao purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Axb purchased Veil of Discord
Victoria丶JY purchased Smoke of Deceit
T3 middle tower has fallen
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 died
Puer tea bought back into the game
Puer tea died
eLeVeN killed a hero
Yao killed a hero
Axb died
eLeVeN killed a hero
visual feast died
Somnus、M killed a hero
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer Ward
Yao purchased Ogre Axe
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Yao purchased Blade of Alacrity
123 purchased Observer Ward
123 purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
123 purchased Observer Ward
11 purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 purchased Hurricane Pike
Puer tea purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
eLeVeN purchased Force Staff
AME purchased Aegis of the Immortal
Roshan was killed
Axb purchased Observer Ward
11 purchased Town Portal Scroll
eLeVeN purchased Force Staff
eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
eLeVeN purchased Magic Wand
AME purchased Heaven's Halberd
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Aghanim's Scepter
T2 bottom tower has fallen
11 purchased Ogre Axe
123 purchased Sentry Ward
Axb purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Somnus、M purchased Hyperstone
T1 bottom tower has fallen
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 died
11 purchased Force Staff
Puer tea died
eLeVeN killed heroes 2
AME purchased Yasha
AME purchased Heaven's Halberd
Axb killed a hero
Victoria丶JY purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY bought back into the game
Victoria丶JY died
Yao purchased Smoke of Deceit
Yao purchased Sentry Ward
Axb purchased Town Portal Scroll
Puer tea purchased Dust of Appearance
Puer tea purchased Blink Dagger
T2 middle tower has fallen
123 purchased Dust of Appearance
Axb purchased Observer Ward
Victoria丶JY purchased Sentry Ward
Axb purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Wind Lace
Victoria丶JY purchased Orb of Venom
123 purchased Magic Wand
Axb purchased Dust of Appearance
Axb purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Puer tea killed a hero
visual feast died
AME purchased Sange and Yasha
AME killed a hero
Somnus、M purchased Town Portal Scroll
Somnus、M purchased Hurricane Pike
Victoria丶JY died
AME purchased Town Portal Scroll
Yao purchased Sentry Ward
AME purchased Healing Salve
Victoria丶JY purchased Orb of Venom
11 purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Sentry Ward
Victoria丶JY purchased Urn of Shadows
T2 top tower has fallen
Puer tea purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Ogre Axe
eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
eLeVeN purchased Blink Dagger
Axb purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 purchased Hand of Midas
visual feast died
Victoria丶JY killed a hero
Somnus、M purchased Town Portal Scroll
Yao purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Yao purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Infused Raindrops
11 purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 died
Somnus、M killed a hero
123 purchased Observer Ward
Axb purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
AME purchased Town Portal Scroll
AME purchased Yasha
Somnus、M purchased Infused Raindrops
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Puer tea purchased Vladmir's Offering
Somnus、M purchased Tango
Victoria丶JY purchased Arcane Boots
Yao purchased Arcane Boots
T1 bottom tower has fallen
123 purchased Observer Ward
123 died
Puer tea purchased Dust of Appearance
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer Ward
Yao killed a hero
T1 middle tower has fallen
Axb died
11 purchased Gloves of Haste
Puer tea purchased Headdress
AME purchased Healing Salve
Victoria丶JY killed a hero
AME purchased Town Portal Scroll
Somnus、M purchased Force Staff
visual feast purchased Point Booster
eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 purchased Clarity
Axb killed a hero
visual feast killed a hero
eLeVeN died
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Victoria丶JY purchased Magic Wand
Victoria丶JY died
Axb killed a hero
Yao died
T1 top tower has fallen
Victoria丶JY purchased Town Portal Scroll
Yao purchased Sentry Ward
Yao purchased Town Portal Scroll
Axb purchased Smoke of Deceit
Puer tea purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Sentry Ward
Axb purchased Observer Ward
11 purchased Power Treads
Puer tea died
visual feast purchased Infused Raindrops
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
AME purchased Band of Elvenskin
Somnus、M killed a hero
Yao purchased Wind Lace
11 died
Puer tea purchased Ring of Protection
Somnus、M killed a hero
Yao purchased Magic Stick
Axb killed a hero
Puer tea purchased Dust of Appearance
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Yao died
Axb purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Axb purchased Dust of Appearance
AME purchased Ring of Aquila
Somnus、M purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
Puer tea purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Sentry Ward
visual feast purchased Clarity
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
AME purchased Sage's Mask
Somnus、M purchased Infused Raindrops
Puer tea purchased Morbid Mask
AME purchased Town Portal Scroll
Somnus、M purchased Tango
Somnus、M purchased Magic Wand
Axb purchased Null Talisman
visual feast purchased Magic Wand
visual feast purchased Wind Lace
123 purchased Clarity
Axb bought back into the game
Axb died
11 purchased Town Portal Scroll
eLeVeN purchased Quelling Blade
eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Sentry Ward
Yao killed a hero
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
123 purchased Boots of Speed
123 bought back into the game
123 died
Axb killed a hero
Somnus、M killed a hero
Victoria丶JY died
Axb purchased Magic Wand
Yao purchased Observer Ward
Yao purchased Town Portal Scroll
visual feast purchased Arcane Boots
AME purchased Magic Wand
123 killed a hero
eLeVeN purchased Power Treads
AME died
123 purchased Smoke of Deceit
123 purchased Observer Ward
Puer tea purchased Tango
AME purchased Healing Salve
123 bought back into the game
123 died
Axb killed a hero
visual feast purchased Arcane Boots
AME purchased Clarity
AME purchased Phase Boots
Somnus、M purchased Power Treads
Somnus、M purchased Town Portal Scroll
Somnus、M died
Somnus、M killed a hero
11 died
Somnus、M killed a hero
Victoria丶JY purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Infused Raindrops
Victoria丶JY died
123 purchased Wind Lace
Yao purchased Observer Ward
Yao purchased Smoke of Deceit
11 purchased Iron Branch
11 purchased Iron Branch
11 bought back into the game
11 died
Victoria丶JY killed a hero
Yao purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 purchased Boots of Speed
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Axb purchased Boots of Speed
Axb purchased Clarity
Puer tea purchased Phase Boots
visual feast purchased Clarity
visual feast purchased Town Portal Scroll
AME purchased Blades of Attack
Victoria丶JY purchased Observer Ward
Victoria丶JY purchased Town Portal Scroll
Victoria丶JY purchased Wind Lace
Victoria丶JY purchased Boots of Speed
Axb bought back into the game
Axb died
Puer tea purchased Tango
Puer tea killed heroes 2
eLeVeN purchased Belt of Strength
eLeVeN died
Somnus、M purchased Boots of Speed
Victoria丶JY died
Victoria丶JY killed a hero
eLeVeN purchased Boots of Speed
Yao purchased Boots of Speed
123 purchased Sentry Ward
Axb purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 purchased Healing Salve
Puer tea purchased Orb of Venom
123 purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 purchased Town Portal Scroll
11 bought back into the game
11 died
AME purchased Boots of Speed
Somnus、M purchased Healing Salve
Victoria丶JY killed a hero
123 bought back into the game
123 died
11 killed a hero
Somnus、M died
Somnus、M killed a hero
Somnus、M purchased Mantle of Intelligence
11 purchased Tango
Somnus、M purchased Tango (Shared)
Puer tea purchased Boots of Speed
AME purchased Magic Stick
Somnus、M purchased Healing Salve
123 purchased Dust of Appearance
123 purchased Tango
123 purchased Orb of Venom
Axb purchased Clarity
Axb purchased Tango
11 purchased Null Talisman
11 purchased Sentry Ward
11 purchased Tango (Shared)
11 purchased Faerie Fire
11 purchased Iron Branch
11 purchased Tango (Shared)
Puer tea purchased Healing Salve
Puer tea purchased Tango
Puer tea purchased Stout Shield
visual feast purchased Boots of Speed
visual feast purchased Tango (Shared)
visual feast purchased Clarity
visual feast purchased Tango
eLeVeN purchased Stout Shield
eLeVeN purchased Clarity
eLeVeN purchased Tango
eLeVeN purchased Healing Salve
AME purchased Wind Lace
AME purchased Iron Branch
AME purchased Clarity
AME purchased Healing Salve
AME purchased Tango
Somnus、M purchased Tango (Shared)
Somnus、M purchased Iron Branch
Somnus、M purchased Tango (Shared)
Somnus、M purchased Iron Branch
Somnus、M purchased Null Talisman
Somnus、M purchased Iron Branch
Victoria丶JY purchased Orb of Venom
Victoria丶JY purchased Faerie Fire
Victoria丶JY purchased Clarity
Victoria丶JY purchased Sentry Ward
Victoria丶JY purchased Tango
Yao purchased Clarity
Yao purchased Sentry Ward
Yao purchased Tango
Player | lvl | Net | K | D | A | GPM | XPM | LH | DN |
Maybe | 21 | 14355 | 14 | 2 | 12 | 575 | 580 | 190 | 23 |
加速同调连光都可以超越! | 21 | 14130 | 3 | 1 | 14 | 554 | 554 | 264 | 20 |
123..... | 19 | 11098 | 1 | 8 | 4 | 444 | 470 | 240 | 18 |
visual feast | 19 | 10942 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 469 | 476 | 247 | 3 |
Eleven | 18 | 10171 | 5 | 3 | 11 | 390 | 439 | 100 | 7 |
Yao | 15 | 8217 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 374 | 306 | 83 | 7 |
pos1 or end | 14 | 7528 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 304 | 284 | 146 | 10 |
QFYang | 14 | 6005 | 5 | 7 | 19 | 344 | 275 | 8 | 0 |
d | 12 | 2806 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 193 | 215 | 15 | 6 |
123 | 10 | 1883 | 1 | 9 | 12 | 162 | 152 | 6 | 0 |