20 : 24

Status : Past

Duration: 36:13

Roshan: 09:30

Spectators: 1821

Match log


Dire Win

Shachlo killed a hero

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! killed a hero

Ditya Ra killed heroes 2

chshrct purchased Vladmir's Offering

chshrct killed a hero

@EDEdota purchased Town Portal Scroll

Exist purchased Ogre Axe

Exist died 2 times

Chill purchased Helm of Iron Will

Chill died

gasha purchased Ring of Regen

gasha died

rmN- died 2 times

Middle ranged barrack has fallen

Middle melee barrack has fallen

Bottom ancient tower has fallen

T3 middle tower has fallen

T2 middle tower has fallen


Shachlo purchased Black King Bar

Shachlo killed heroes 3

Shachlo used Reaper's Scythe

j4 purchased Smoke of Deceit

j4 purchased Blink Dagger

j4 killed a hero

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Heaven's Halberd

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! bought back into the game

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! died

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra purchased Aegis of the Immortal

Ditya Ra bought back into the game

Ditya Ra died

Ditya Ra killed a hero

chshrct bought back into the game

chshrct died

chshrct used Ravage

@EDEdota died

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Exist died

Exist killed heroes 2

Exist used Exorcism

Chill died

Chill killed a hero

gasha purchased Staff of Wizardry

gasha died

rmN- bought back into the game

rmN- died

Bottom ranged barrack has fallen

Bottom melee barrack has fallen

T3 bottom tower has fallen

Roshan was killed


Shachlo killed a hero

j4 used Demonic Cleanse

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! killed heroes 2

@EDEdota purchased Town Portal Scroll

Exist bought back into the game

Exist died

Exist used Exorcism

Chill used Macropyre

gasha died

rmN- bought back into the game

rmN- died

rmN- used Chronosphere

Top ranged barrack has fallen

Top melee barrack has fallen

T3 top tower has fallen


Shachlo purchased Aghanim's Scepter

Shachlo purchased Town Portal Scroll

Shachlo killed a hero

Shachlo used Reaper's Scythe

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! killed a hero

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra purchased Blink Dagger

Ditya Ra killed a hero

Ditya Ra used God's Strength

chshrct purchased Force Staff

chshrct used Ravage

@EDEdota died

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Chill died

rmN- died


chshrct died

chshrct killed a hero

Exist purchased Town Portal Scroll

Exist purchased Heart of Tarrasque

Chill killed a hero

gasha bought back into the game

gasha died

rmN- purchased Point Booster

rmN- used Chronosphere

T2 bottom tower has fallen


Shachlo purchased Town Portal Scroll

j4 bought back into the game

j4 died

Ditya Ra purchased Black King Bar

@EDEdota purchased Gem of True Sight

Chill purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity

gasha purchased Town Portal Scroll

gasha purchased Observer Ward

gasha killed a hero


j4 purchased Town Portal Scroll

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Town Portal Scroll

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Belt of Strength

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! bought back into the game

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! died

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra purchased Ogre Axe

Ditya Ra bought back into the game

Ditya Ra died

chshrct purchased Mekansm

chshrct purchased Town Portal Scroll

@EDEdota purchased Town Portal Scroll

@EDEdota purchased Sentry Ward

Exist purchased Reaver

Exist killed a hero

gasha purchased Blink Dagger

gasha killed a hero

rmN- purchased Town Portal Scroll

rmN- used Chronosphere

T1 top tower has fallen

T2 top tower has fallen


Shachlo purchased Point Booster

Shachlo used Reaper's Scythe

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra used God's Strength

chshrct died

@EDEdota killed a hero

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Exist purchased Town Portal Scroll

Exist used Exorcism

Chill purchased Town Portal Scroll

gasha used Spell Steal

T1 middle tower has fallen

T1 bottom tower has fallen


j4 purchased Smoke of Deceit

j4 purchased Town Portal Scroll

j4 bought back into the game

j4 died

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! bought back into the game

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! died

chshrct purchased Headdress

@EDEdota killed a hero

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Exist killed a hero

rmN- purchased Town Portal Scroll


Shachlo purchased Blink Dagger

j4 purchased Arcane Boots

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Power Treads

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Town Portal Scroll

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! killed heroes 2

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra purchased Town Portal Scroll

chshrct purchased Town Portal Scroll

chshrct purchased Blink Dagger

chshrct died

chshrct killed a hero

chshrct used Ravage

@EDEdota bought back into the game

@EDEdota died

@EDEdota killed a hero

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Exist purchased Cloak

Chill used Macropyre

gasha bought back into the game

gasha died

gasha used Spell Steal

rmN- purchased Maelstrom

rmN- died

rmN- used Chronosphere


Shachlo purchased Aegis of the Immortal

Shachlo purchased Town Portal Scroll

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Magic Wand

Ditya Ra purchased Mask of Madness

Ditya Ra used God's Strength

@EDEdota purchased Observer Ward

Chill purchased Mekansm

Chill purchased Staff of Wizardry

gasha purchased Town Portal Scroll

Roshan was killed


Shachlo purchased Bloodstone

Shachlo killed a hero

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! bought back into the game

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! died

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra died

@EDEdota bought back into the game

@EDEdota died

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Exist used Exorcism

Chill killed a hero

Chill used Macropyre

gasha killed a hero

rmN- used Chronosphere

T1 middle tower has fallen

T1 top tower has fallen


! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Town Portal Scroll

Exist purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity


Shachlo purchased Soul Booster

Shachlo purchased Town Portal Scroll

Ditya Ra purchased Morbid Mask

@EDEdota purchased Arcane Boots

@EDEdota purchased Town Portal Scroll

Exist purchased Void Stone

Chill purchased Town Portal Scroll

Chill purchased Headdress

Chill purchased Buckler

gasha purchased Town Portal Scroll

gasha purchased Observer Ward

rmN- purchased Gloves of Haste


Shachlo died

j4 bought back into the game

j4 died

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Urn of Shadows

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra purchased Drum of Endurance

Ditya Ra killed a hero

Ditya Ra used God's Strength

chshrct bought back into the game

chshrct died

@EDEdota died

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Chill killed a hero

Chill used Macropyre

gasha purchased Arcane Boots

rmN- purchased Magic Wand

rmN- killed a hero

rmN- used Chronosphere

T1 bottom tower has fallen


Shachlo purchased Vitality Booster

Exist purchased Staff of Wizardry

Chill purchased Iron Branch


j4 purchased Sentry Ward

j4 purchased Magic Wand

j4 purchased Observer Ward

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! used Relocate

Ditya Ra purchased Bracer

chshrct purchased Arcane Boots

chshrct purchased Town Portal Scroll

chshrct purchased Tango

@EDEdota purchased Town Portal Scroll

@EDEdota purchased Smoke of Deceit

Chill purchased Chainmail

Chill died

Chill used Macropyre

rmN- purchased Town Portal Scroll

rmN- purchased Mask of Madness


j4 killed a hero

j4 used Demonic Cleanse

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Boots of Speed

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Town Portal Scroll

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! bought back into the game

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! died

Ditya Ra used God's Strength

@EDEdota used Static Storm

Exist purchased Phase Boots

Chill purchased Town Portal Scroll

gasha purchased Magic Stick

gasha purchased Town Portal Scroll

gasha bought back into the game

gasha died

rmN- killed a hero

rmN- used Chronosphere


Shachlo purchased Point Booster

Shachlo killed a hero

Shachlo used Reaper's Scythe

j4 purchased Smoke of Deceit

j4 purchased Town Portal Scroll

j4 purchased Sentry Ward

Chill bought back into the game

Chill died


Shachlo purchased Town Portal Scroll

Ditya Ra purchased Tango

Ditya Ra purchased Power Treads

chshrct purchased Ring of Regen

@EDEdota purchased Sentry Ward

Chill purchased Tranquil Boots

rmN- purchased Morbid Mask


chshrct purchased Town Portal Scroll

chshrct died

Exist purchased Town Portal Scroll

Chill purchased Magic Stick

rmN- killed a hero

rmN- used Chronosphere


Shachlo killed a hero

Shachlo used Reaper's Scythe

@EDEdota purchased Clarity

Chill purchased Town Portal Scroll

Chill died

rmN- purchased Town Portal Scroll

rmN- purchased Tango


Shachlo purchased Soul Ring

j4 purchased Observer Ward

j4 purchased Magic Stick

@EDEdota purchased Town Portal Scroll

@EDEdota purchased Magic Stick

@EDEdota purchased Observer Ward


j4 killed a hero

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Gauntlets of Strength

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Gauntlets of Strength

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Iron Branch

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Iron Branch

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! bought back into the game

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! died

chshrct purchased Ring of Basilius

chshrct purchased Magic Stick

@EDEdota killed a hero

Exist purchased Boots of Speed

Exist bought back into the game

Exist died

rmN- purchased Power Treads


j4 purchased Boots of Speed

j4 bought back into the game

j4 died

j4 killed a hero

Ditya Ra purchased Bracer

Chill purchased Ring of Protection

Chill bought back into the game

Chill died

Chill killed a hero


Shachlo purchased Tranquil Boots

Shachlo purchased Ring of Basilius

Ditya Ra purchased Boots of Speed

chshrct purchased Boots of Speed

@EDEdota purchased Boots of Speed

Exist purchased Bottle

rmN- purchased Boots of Speed


Shachlo killed a hero

! SoNNeikO_of The Laputa ! purchased Bottle

Ditya Ra purchased Quelling Blade

Chill purchased Healing Salve

Chill bought back into the game

Chill died

Player statistics

Player lvl Net K D A GPM XPM LH DN
Shachlo 20 18007 10 1 16 581 614 244 17
Ditya Ra 19 14921 5 3 15 547 558 208 11
Exist 19 13925 4 5 5 439 523 190 6
chshrct 18 10374 3 6 9 422 520 134 3
rmN 16 8772 3 6 8 332 382 139 4
Chill 16 8080 5 8 6 309 391 100 2
SoNNeikO 18 7634 6 6 11 349 481 48 7
j4 15 5929 4 4 17 276 367 32 2
Gasha 13 5668 3 6 7 219 253 39 4
Ede 14 4462 4 5 6 222 287 30 2



Faceless Void 16

Net worth:
Rubick 13

Net worth:
Jakiro 16

Net worth:
Death Prophet 19

Net worth:
Disruptor 14

Net worth:



Ditya Ra
Sven 19

Net worth:
Io 18

Net worth:
Shadow Demon 15

Net worth:
Necrophos 20

Net worth:
Tidehunter 18

Net worth: