Prizepool : $108,276
Status : Past
Spectators: 1831
Radiant Win
EVA经典永恒 died
我是一只小小鸟 died
14555 purchased Town Portal Scroll
14555 died
`Xn(烦躁 died 2 times
spotty. killed heroes 2
小刘 died
Aix purchased Heart of Tarrasque
Aix purchased Hyperstone
Aix killed a hero
zExBinGo purchased Black King Bar
天使焦 killed heroes 2
Middle melee barrack has fallen
T3 middle tower has fallen
EVA经典永恒 died
我是一只小小鸟 killed a hero
天使焦 died
天使焦 killed a hero
Bottom ranged barrack has fallen
Bottom melee barrack has fallen
uλl purchased Ultimate Orb
14555 died
`Xn(烦躁 died
Aix killed a hero
zExBinGo killed a hero
T3 bottom tower has fallen
T2 bottom tower has fallen
EVA经典永恒 purchased Observer Ward
EVA经典永恒 died
我是一只小小鸟 died
14555 died
小刘 purchased Observer Ward
天使焦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
天使焦 killed heroes 3
14555 purchased Town Portal Scroll
小刘 purchased Smoke of Deceit
EVA经典永恒 purchased Town Portal Scroll
uλl killed heroes 2
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Point Booster
spotty. purchased Ghost Scepter
小刘 died
天使焦 purchased Black King Bar
天使焦 died
14555 bought back into the game
14555 died
spotty. killed a hero
小刘 purchased Town Portal Scroll
EVA经典永恒 purchased Observer Ward
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Platemail
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Rod of Atos
uλl purchased Platemail
小刘 purchased Observer Ward
小刘 purchased Force Staff
EVA经典永恒 purchased Dust of Appearance
Aix purchased Vitality Booster
Aix purchased Town Portal Scroll
zExBinGo purchased Scythe of Vyse
zExBinGo purchased Gem of True Sight
14555 purchased Town Portal Scroll
T2 middle tower has fallen
EVA经典永恒 died
uλl purchased Heart of Tarrasque
14555 died
小刘 killed a hero
zExBinGo killed a hero
EVA经典永恒 purchased Gem of True Sight
我是一只小小鸟 died
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
spotty. purchased Sentry Ward
Aix purchased Black King Bar
天使焦 killed a hero
uλl killed a hero
14555 purchased Aegis of the Immortal
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Dust of Appearance
spotty. purchased Force Staff
天使焦 died
Roshan was killed
EVA经典永恒 purchased Observer Ward
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Shadow Blade
uλl purchased Reaver
小刘 purchased Town Portal Scroll
EVA经典永恒 purchased Staff of Wizardry
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
uλl killed a hero
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Vitality Booster
小刘 purchased Town Portal Scroll
小刘 purchased Staff of Wizardry
zExBinGo purchased Town Portal Scroll
天使焦 died
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Town Portal Scroll
14555 bought back into the game
14555 died
spotty. killed a hero
Aix purchased Town Portal Scroll
Aix purchased Ogre Axe
天使焦 purchased Aghanim's Scepter
我是一只小小鸟 killed a hero
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
14555 purchased Vanguard
Aix died
T2 top tower has fallen
zExBinGo purchased Aghanim's Scepter
T1 middle tower has fallen
EVA经典永恒 purchased Town Portal Scroll
EVA经典永恒 purchased Dust of Appearance
EVA经典永恒 purchased Smoke of Deceit
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Observer Ward
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity
zExBinGo purchased Point Booster
天使焦 purchased Point Booster
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Town Portal Scroll
spotty. purchased Town Portal Scroll
spotty. purchased Observer Ward
T2 bottom tower has fallen
uλl purchased Black King Bar
小刘 purchased Sentry Ward
小刘 purchased Cloak
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Black King Bar
14555 purchased Town Portal Scroll
Aix purchased Pipe of Insight
天使焦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
天使焦 purchased Crimson Guard
EVA经典永恒 purchased Town Portal Scroll
EVA经典永恒 purchased Sentry Ward
EVA经典永恒 bought back into the game
EVA经典永恒 died
14555 purchased Vitality Booster
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Sage's Mask
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Sentry Ward
spotty. purchased Urn of Shadows
天使焦 killed a hero
我是一只小小鸟 died
uλl killed a hero
`Xn(烦躁 died
`Xn(烦躁 killed a hero
spotty. bought back into the game
spotty. died
spotty. killed a hero
小刘 bought back into the game
小刘 died
天使焦 killed a hero
T1 bottom tower has fallen
T2 middle tower has fallen
zExBinGo purchased Town Portal Scroll
天使焦 purchased Chainmail
EVA经典永恒 purchased Tango (Shared)
EVA经典永恒 purchased Urn of Shadows
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Void Stone
spotty. purchased Gauntlets of Strength
小刘 purchased Observer Ward
Aix purchased Magic Stick
我是一只小小鸟 killed a hero
uλl purchased Ogre Axe
14555 purchased Mekansm
14555 killed a hero
`Xn(烦躁 killed a hero
spotty. purchased Town Portal Scroll
spotty. died
Aix died
天使焦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
天使焦 bought back into the game
天使焦 died
T1 middle tower has fallen
EVA经典永恒 purchased Gauntlets of Strength
EVA经典永恒 purchased Gauntlets of Strength
EVA经典永恒 purchased Magic Wand
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Ogre Axe
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Town Portal Scroll
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Sentry Ward
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Observer Ward
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Magic Stick
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Tranquil Boots
天使焦 purchased Vanguard
我是一只小小鸟 killed a hero
uλl purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity
uλl killed a hero
14555 bought back into the game
14555 died
spotty. purchased Arcane Boots
spotty. bought back into the game
spotty. died
小刘 purchased Observer Ward
小刘 purchased Sentry Ward
小刘 killed a hero
Aix bought back into the game
Aix died
T1 top tower has fallen
T1 top tower has fallen
`Xn(烦躁 killed a hero
Aix purchased Hood of Defiance
zExBinGo purchased Force Staff
天使焦 died
14555 purchased Buckler
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Town Portal Scroll
小刘 purchased Soul Ring
EVA经典永恒 purchased Arcane Boots
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Observer Ward
天使焦 purchased Vitality Booster
uλl killed a hero
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Town Portal Scroll
小刘 purchased Town Portal Scroll
Aix died
zExBinGo purchased Staff of Wizardry
T1 bottom tower has fallen
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Bracer
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
`Xn(烦躁 bought back into the game
`Xn(烦躁 died
Aix purchased Town Portal Scroll
zExBinGo killed a hero
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Magic Wand
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Town Portal Scroll
uλl purchased Staff of Wizardry
14555 purchased Arcane Boots
14555 bought back into the game
14555 died
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Ring of Protection
`Xn(烦躁 bought back into the game
`Xn(烦躁 died
小刘 purchased Sage's Mask
Aix purchased Ring of Health
zExBinGo purchased Hand of Midas
zExBinGo killed a hero
天使焦 purchased Town Portal Scroll
天使焦 killed a hero
uλl purchased Phase Boots
uλl killed a hero
spotty. died
小刘 purchased Soul Ring Recipe
小刘 purchased Tranquil Boots
小刘 purchased Magic Wand
天使焦 purchased Blink Dagger
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Magic Stick
spotty. purchased Clarity
spotty. purchased Town Portal Scroll
spotty. purchased Boots of Speed
EVA经典永恒 purchased Town Portal Scroll
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Town Portal Scroll
我是一只小小鸟 died
小刘 killed a hero
14555 purchased Town Portal Scroll
14555 purchased Headdress
14555 bought back into the game
14555 died
Aix purchased Ring of Regen
天使焦 killed a hero
`Xn(烦躁 died
Aix purchased Town Portal Scroll
Aix purchased Power Treads
zExBinGo purchased Gloves of Haste
zExBinGo purchased Town Portal Scroll
zExBinGo purchased Magic Wand
天使焦 killed a hero
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Power Treads
我是一只小小鸟 bought back into the game
我是一只小小鸟 died
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Town Portal Scroll
小刘 purchased Boots of Speed
Aix purchased Belt of Strength
zExBinGo killed a hero
EVA经典永恒 purchased Observer Ward
uλl purchased Town Portal Scroll
14555 purchased Ring of Regen
EVA经典永恒 purchased Town Portal Scroll
EVA经典永恒 purchased Boots of Speed
EVA经典永恒 killed a hero
uλl purchased Bottle
14555 purchased Magic Wand
14555 bought back into the game
14555 died
14555 killed a hero
`Xn(烦躁 purchased Boots of Speed
spotty. purchased Observer Ward
spotty. bought back into the game
spotty. died
Aix purchased Bottle
zExBinGo purchased Phase Boots
天使焦 purchased Tranquil Boots
天使焦 bought back into the game
天使焦 died
天使焦 killed a hero
14555 purchased Boots of Speed
14555 purchased Tango (Shared)
zExBinGo purchased Blades of Attack
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Boots of Speed
uλl purchased Magic Stick
14555 purchased Magic Stick
小刘 purchased Magic Stick
天使焦 purchased Boots of Speed
EVA经典永恒 purchased Magic Stick
我是一只小小鸟 purchased Bottle
uλl purchased Boots of Speed
14555 purchased Ring of Basilius
spotty. purchased Magic Stick
Aix purchased Boots of Speed
zExBinGo purchased Boots of Speed
天使焦 purchased Magic Stick
Player | lvl | Net | K | D | A | GPM | XPM | LH | DN |
雷伽爾 | 22 | 22554 | 5 | 0 | 17 | 536 | 566 | 282 | 27 |
uλl | 21 | 19912 | 8 | 0 | 7 | 473 | 533 | 255 | 3 |
天使焦 | 20 | 19062 | 13 | 7 | 5 | 512 | 488 | 262 | 6 |
鱻生 | 20 | 16682 | 2 | 4 | 13 | 445 | 466 | 275 | 16 |
学习 | 17 | 13478 | 4 | 6 | 11 | 348 | 347 | 145 | 0 |
路阳 | 17 | 9827 | 3 | 7 | 13 | 291 | 360 | 104 | 1 |
Cassiopeia♥ | 15 | 8201 | 5 | 5 | 16 | 242 | 289 | 51 | 1 |
Hh | 14 | 7259 | 2 | 10 | 12 | 248 | 254 | 92 | 8 |
小刘 | 16 | 7184 | 3 | 3 | 14 | 242 | 318 | 58 | 4 |
EVA经典永恒 | 13 | 4443 | 1 | 5 | 12 | 175 | 212 | 31 | 0 |