Prizepool : $277,668
Status : Past
Spectators: 2105
Dire Win
kaka purchased Glimmer Cape
kaka bought back into the game
kaka died
CTY killed a hero
LaNm killed a hero
old eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
old eLeVeN killed heroes 3
BurNIng bought back into the game
BurNIng died
Super killed a hero
iceiceice bought back into the game
iceiceice died 2 times
Fenrir bought back into the game
Fenrir died
fy bought back into the game
fy died
Middle melee barrack has fallen
T3 middle tower has fallen
T2 middle tower has fallen
CTY purchased Sange and Yasha
fy purchased Smoke of Deceit
fy purchased Null Talisman
LaNm purchased Town Portal Scroll
LaNm purchased Magic Stick
old eLeVeN purchased Power Treads
Fenrir purchased Town Portal Scroll
old chicken killed a hero
fy died
CTY killed a hero
LaNm purchased Guardian Greaves
Fenrir died
Fenrir purchased Observer Ward
old chicken purchased Town Portal Scroll
old chicken purchased Eul's Scepter of Divinity
BurNIng purchased Power Treads
iceiceice purchased Gloves of Haste
fy purchased Tango
T1 middle tower has fallen
kaka purchased Urn of Shadows
CTY purchased Yasha
T2 bottom tower has fallen
CTY killed a hero
old eLeVeN purchased Magic Stick
BurNIng purchased Quelling Blade
Super purchased Bracer
Fenrir purchased Gauntlets of Strength
Fenrir purchased Observer and Sentry Wards
Fenrir purchased Magic Wand
Fenrir died
fy purchased Town Portal Scroll
fy purchased Magic Wand
old chicken died
CTY killed a hero
LaNm killed a hero
old eLeVeN died
BurNIng killed a hero
Super died
Fenrir killed a hero
fy died
kaka killed a hero
CTY purchased Aegis of the Immortal
old eLeVeN purchased Vladmir's Offering
iceiceice died
Roshan was killed
CTY purchased Blade of Alacrity
LaNm purchased Mekansm
Fenrir purchased Power Treads
Fenrir purchased Observer Ward
CTY purchased Band of Elvenskin
Super purchased Power Treads
BurNIng purchased Armlet of Mordiggian
old eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
kaka purchased Observer Ward
kaka purchased Town Portal Scroll
kaka purchased Magic Wand
BurNIng purchased Town Portal Scroll
iceiceice purchased Smoke of Deceit
iceiceice purchased Town Portal Scroll
T1 top tower has fallen
old chicken purchased Sage's Mask
old chicken purchased Town Portal Scroll
kaka purchased Arcane Boots
CTY purchased Town Portal Scroll
CTY purchased Mask of Madness
old eLeVeN purchased Ring of Basilius
fy purchased Observer Ward
kaka killed a hero
old chicken died
LaNm killed a hero
BurNIng killed a hero
Super purchased Belt of Strength
Super died
fy died
old eLeVeN died
Super killed a hero
LaNm purchased Observer Ward
LaNm purchased Buckler
old eLeVeN purchased Ring of Protection
BurNIng purchased Magic Wand
Super purchased Town Portal Scroll
Super purchased Magic Wand
CTY killed a hero
old eLeVeN killed a hero
iceiceice purchased Town Portal Scroll
iceiceice died
fy died
LaNm killed a hero
BurNIng died
T1 bottom tower has fallen
CTY purchased Morbid Mask
old eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
iceiceice purchased Urn of Shadows
iceiceice purchased Magic Wand
old chicken purchased Bottle
old chicken purchased Magic Wand
old chicken purchased Phase Boots
old eLeVeN purchased Tango
BurNIng purchased Town Portal Scroll
Super purchased Boots of Speed
fy purchased Town Portal Scroll
fy purchased Smoke of Deceit
kaka purchased Magic Stick
kaka purchased Observer Ward
LaNm purchased Arcane Boots
LaNm killed a hero
old eLeVeN purchased Town Portal Scroll
old eLeVeN died
BurNIng died
BurNIng killed a hero
fy purchased Magic Stick
BurNIng purchased Helm of Iron Will
old chicken killed a hero
LaNm killed a hero
Super purchased Town Portal Scroll
Super died
Fenrir died
old eLeVeN purchased Headdress
old eLeVeN purchased Tango
CTY purchased Phase Boots
kaka purchased Boots of Speed
Fenrir purchased Observer Ward
Fenrir purchased Clarity
Fenrir purchased Enchanted Mango
iceiceice purchased Magic Stick
old chicken purchased Bottle
CTY purchased Town Portal Scroll
CTY died
iceiceice killed a hero
fy purchased Enchanted Mango
fy purchased Clarity
old chicken killed a hero
CTY purchased Blades of Attack
old eLeVeN killed a hero
Super purchased Magic Stick
Super purchased Town Portal Scroll
Super died
iceiceice purchased Town Portal Scroll
iceiceice purchased Tranquil Boots
fy died
Fenrir purchased Boots of Speed
LaNm killed a hero
BurNIng purchased Town Portal Scroll
BurNIng died
Super purchased Bottle
old eLeVeN purchased Boots of Speed
kaka purchased Town Portal Scroll
old chicken purchased Boots of Speed
CTY purchased Quelling Blade
old chicken died
Super killed a hero
BurNIng purchased Boots of Speed
LaNm purchased Boots of Speed
LaNm killed a hero
old eLeVeN purchased Poor Man's Shield
fy purchased Smoke of Deceit
fy purchased Town Portal Scroll
fy bought back into the game
fy died
CTY purchased Poor Man's Shield
kaka purchased Healing Salve
kaka purchased Town Portal Scroll
kaka bought back into the game
kaka died
CTY purchased Boots of Speed
CTY killed a hero
iceiceice purchased Boots of Speed
iceiceice bought back into the game
iceiceice died
iceiceice killed a hero
old chicken purchased Healing Salve
Super purchased Healing Salve
Player | lvl | Net | K | D | A | GPM | XPM | LH | DN |
Cty | 13 | 8414 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 561 | 521 | 101 | 9 |
键来!!! | 11 | 6509 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 484 | 366 | 71 | 5 |
LaNm | 11 | 5694 | 8 | 0 | 7 | 430 | 384 | 37 | 0 |
Burning | 11 | 5375 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 372 | 382 | 80 | 10 |
Eleven | 10 | 4692 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 436 | 337 | 52 | 10 |
Super | 11 | 4408 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 338 | 356 | 60 | 7 |
kaka | 9 | 4017 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 303 | 252 | 19 | 2 |
iceiceice | 8 | 3545 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 244 | 226 | 37 | 3 |
Fenrir | 7 | 2419 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 201 | 173 | 14 | 3 |
fy | 7 | 1487 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 163 | 155 | 14 | 1 |